July 9, 2009

PA State Senator Jane Orie Considers Challenging Pat Toomey in US Senate Primary

PoliticsPA reports that sources have told them that PA Senate’s majority whip Jane Orie has been meeting with Republican leaders and the NRSC in Washington about a possible run for the US Senate.

According to PoliticsPA:
[M]any Republican leaders have continued to worry privately about Toomey’s electability statewide, fearing he is too conservative for a state that gave Barack Obama a 10-point victory over John McCain last year.
Ummm, huh? I never really thought of Orie as being anything less than strongly conservative.

This is a person, after all, who believes:
  • Abortions should always be illegal, while schools should teach abstinence-only sex education, while being against expanding state funding for pre-natal and infant care programs available in the state, including immunizations. (Love the fetus - Hate the child!)

  • No to same-sex marriage and that sexual orientation should not be added to the state's anti-discrimination laws. (Well, it is pretty obvious that no self-respecting gay stylist has ever been within a mile of that hair, that eyeliner or those nails.)

  • Minimum wage should not be increased, welfare aid should be greatly reduced, and does not favor increasing state funding for programs to re-train unemployed workers. (Bootstraps!)

  • Maintaining minimum environmental quality as mandated by current federal regulations is unnecessary. (Seriously, WTF?)

  • Implementing chain gangs, expanding the death penalty, prosecuting more juveniles as adults, and advocating the use of prison labor for private industry are all good things. (If this run doesn't work out for her, she might want to consider holding office in China...)
  • For a conservative, what's not to love?

    Of course what sort of liberal blog would we be without reminding our readers of the last time we posted on Orie:

    PA Sen. Jane Orie aide Alan David Berlin jailed for soliciting furry sex with teen boy

    (Actual photo from her web site which she posed for after the furry thing. LOL)



    1. "Well, it is pretty obvious that no self-respecting gay stylist has ever been within a mile of that hair, that eyeliner or those nails"
      How sexist judging a woman on her appearance.
      Or is appearance fair game with progressives for Republicans (Harris/Palin).

    2. Jane Orie's name was brought up easily half a dozen times during the act 47 debate. If there is one unifying force to make urban Pittsburghers angry, it's that woman.

    3. HTTT,

      While I don't advocate making fun of people's physical features, weight, etc., I have on occasion poked fun at their sense of style (including Hillary's).

      I have also defended Palin's presentation of herself re the "slutty flight attendant" remark -- I think she dressed like your average female news anchor when she was running for VP.

      Tell you what, I will give you Traficant* and Blago (Democrats who look like some critter curled up and died on their heads) if you will give me Orie who seems to take her style cues from Tammy Faye Baker and The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

      Also what "Harris" are you referring to? Darlene Harris? She's a Democrat. (And, it wasn't me who recently commented on her hair.)

      *Additional style points for his 70s bell-bottomed denim suits.

    4. Isn't she one of the Brabender Cox Conservatives? In the manner of Santorum, Vitter and a whole cadre of slimey PA (and other) politicians like Tim Murphy?

      I'll put the goofball looks aside, it's all those actual issues that scare me!

    5. Which is why I took time posting her actual beliefs (and threw in the style stuff as an aside).

    6. Judging a potential candidate by her appearance? Immature. Recognizing that appearance factors into likability and electability? Perfectly reasonable.

      That is one scary looking woman. She makes Hillary Clinton look like a teddy bear.

    7. Conservatives crying about sexism doesn't work, HTTT.

      You actually have to give a shit about sexism to have any credibility in calling it out.

      And commenting about someone's appearance is hardly sexist. Now, to your mind, simply because it's a woman in question, that must make it sexism.

      Which just goes to show, like most conservatives, you have no idea what you're talking about.

      Thanks for trying.

    8. Oh my goodness!
