July 31, 2009

Tony Gives Credit Where Credit Is Due

In his column today, Tony Norman explains some parts of teh crazie and starts with two sentences I never thought I'd read from him:
Let us now praise Bill O'Reilly. Let's not forget "Sideshow Annie" Coulter while we're at it. Both Ann Coulter and Mr. O'Reilly have done what many conservative elected officials don't have the guts to do: They've either mocked or denounced the so-called "birther" movement as an embarrassment to common sense and a threat to the long-term interests of the Republican Party.
And writes something a local member of Congress should notice:

Earlier this week, a reporter from The Huffington Post tried to get Rep. Tim Murphy, a Republican from Upper St. Clair, on the record about the "birthers." But the pride of the 18th District proved too fleet-footed for the running dogs of the media.

Rep. Murphy reportedly hid in a congressional office supply store for 20 minutes rather than answer the politically sensitive question about whether Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen. How many birthers can there possibly be in the 18th District to take offense?

The video can be found here, in the event you wanted to see it in all its glory. Tony, in three paragraphs, explains teh crazie:
As anyone with a relative with a tinfoil hat knows, the birthers believe Barack Obama is a Kenyan citizen who became president of the United States through trickery. They argue that Mr. Obama's presidency is, thus, constitutionally invalid. Even CNN's Lou Dobbs has given legitimacy to their paranoid ravings by insisting on "more documentation" from the Obama White House on the issue.

Birthers want to inspect the original birth certificate and not the copy issued by the state of Hawaii. They don't believe an original exists and they're critical of the "certificate of live birth" Hawaii distributed to the media to quell the controversy.

Birthers insist that a certificate of live birth and a birth certificate aren't the same animal. They also want to debunk the notion that "six of one" comes anywhere near to being the same thing as "half dozen of the other."

Birthers are crazie.


  1. they're critical of the "certificate of live birth" Hawaii distributed to the media to quell the controversy
    It does not help to quell/debunk the controversy when Progressives lie about the Certificate of Live Birth being released and point to a document that has "Certification of Live Birth" across the top as proof.
    Like Dave and Tony just did.
    This is what a Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth looks like.
    Yes, I know the link is for World Nuts Daily.

  2. Ah, the devil is in that "n", and thus you say the Certification of Live Birth is a forgery.

    Are you saying that, HTTT? Simple yes or no.

  3. No
    When did I claim that the Certification of Live Birth was a forgery?
    I'll use the Lou Dobbs defense.
    I believe Obama was born in Hawaii.
    I just want to see the Long form Birth Certificate.

  4. Fair enough, you want to see the long form, you just have no reason.

    Good luck with that, and make sure you keep saying the you believe Obama was born in Hawaii (or else someone might think you are a nut).

  5. Why The Press Loves The Birther Issue

    "Anyway, I see this as one more trumped up way to divert attention from the true nonsense in Washington, D.C.–horribly unpopular policy. Since the criticism of the policies can’t be discredited, the only solution is to try to discredit the critics."

  6. HTTT, do you have a quote from Obama here he says the he does not want the public to see the long form Certification of Live Birth? Your link only has the word “apparently”.

    So you agree Obama has met the criteria (birth wise) to be President, you just want to punish him for wanting to be an elected public official?

    Can I see the email or letter or whatever where you asked to see John McCain's Panamanian birth certificate? Not that I think McCain is ineligible to be President, I just think that if we are lobbing frivolous requests toward elected public officials, we should be non-partisan about it.

    Other Ken, prove the Democrats started the "birther" movement.

  7. "Other Ken, prove the Democrats started the "birther" movement."

    I'm pretty sure that it was a Clinton oppo researcher that "birthed" the issue (heh heh.)

    But that's besides the point, the point is that democrats clearly know how to take advantage of political opportunities when said opportunities drop in their collective laps.

  8. I only have the rightwing talking point that Obama spent $1 million dollars to prevent the release of the Birth Certificate.
    I do not know how they got that number.
    you just want to punish him for wanting to be an elected public official?
    I am just using the same standard used for Obama's opponents when sealed divorce records were released against them.

  9. @other Ken

    "the point is that democrats clearly know how to take advantage of political opportunities when said opportunities drop in their collective laps."

    What politician doesn't, Republican, Democrat, conservative or liberal?

    Are you naive?

    And, no, Heir, you're just doing what conservatives do when they don't have any ideas (which is often - good ones anyway, or, like other Ken, are you naive enough to believe that after blaming Bush and Repubs for the state of the country they suddenly think you guys have good ideas? After 6 months? keep dreaming!) - launch every nonsense attack you can.

    Have you forgotten the 90's? When conservative types like yourself were all atwitter over a little cum stain on a dress?

    Or are we pretending Karl Rove ran clean, honest campaigns? Is that it now?

    It's called credibility, Heir, and as a conservative, I'm afraid you're seriously lacking in it.

  10. and it started with that idiot Jerome Corsi.

  11. HTTT, I notice you said nothing about McCain's passport. Since you admit there is no reason to look at Obama's long form Certification of Live Birth, why aren't you asking for McCain's birth certificate? I though you want to use “the same standard”.

    As for Obama spending a million dollars to keep his long form Certification of Live Birth away from the public, first of all, I don't know how much he or his campaign has spent. Second, you admit it would serve no actual purpose, except to indulge conspiracy theorists. Third, I don’t even know how this works, whether Obama has, in his possession a copy of the long form Certification of Live Birth, whether he could authorize the State of Hawaii to release it to reporters, whether Obama is even allowed to request the long form Certification of Live Birth. Fourth, Obama didn't initiate these lawsuits, he is merely forced to respond to them.

    I don’t know anything about any particular sealed divorce records, but on that score … First, divorce records would go to a person’s character as an adult, and the public might have an interest in knowing about that in their politician (do they frequent bondage clubs?). Second, the information in a birth certificate is not equivalent to the information recorded in a divorce trial. All a birth certificate can tell you is where and when someone was born, nothing about the character of the person as an adult. You’ve already admitted the most crucial thing we will find out about Obama (where he was born) is in the short form of the Certification of Live Birth. Third , and I should have made this point years ago, just because you can find a Democrat or liberal who has done something wrong years or decades ago, does not make conservatives or Republicans automatic saints or somehow invalidate criticism of any or all Republican or conservative ideas. So if you can’t come up with a reason to see Obama’s long form Certification of Live Birth, it’s not good enough to say that you are using the “same standard used for Obama's opponents when sealed divorce records were released against them” (the he did it first defense? C’’mon, we’re not six years old).

    Conservatives certainly had it in for Clinton, and made all sorts of wild accusations against him. And I realize that you HTTT and you, Other Ken (The), are knee jerk conservatives. Still, how does it feel to, if not actually be a racist, to serve as the lapdogs and handmaidens of racists? Sure, you’ll deny it, and that is part of the whole story of racism in America. A white cop can arrest a slight, frail, older black man on his own porch for disturbing the peace, and the white cop can not only deny being racist but brag about teaching enlightened behavior to other cops. This whole “birther” thing is nothing less than an attempt to intimidate a black man who had the audacity to give hope to the millions of African Americans in this country.
