September 1, 2009

Jerry Bowyer on Night Talk

Watching the 10:00 rerun.


Jerry Bowyer thinks there ARE euthanasia issues found in the Health Care Bill.

Jerry said that Sarah Palin "was sort of on to something" on the "death panel" issue.


Jerry thinks that the solution is found in giving vouchers to the 5 million households that are chronically uninsured. There are really only 15 million uninsured in the US.


The rerun is half over. Some comments. Jerry said he invited Congressmen Altmire and Doyle to be on the show but they couldn't show. SO he had on two conservatives instead.

Unbelievably one sided.

Jerry asked the rhetorical question "why would anyone follow a leader who lies to them?" It would probably be too snarky to point out they weren't discussing Iraq's WMD.


Jerry just said that the Democratic Congressmen would not come on the air to defend the health care plan.


Only 10 or 15 million uninsured. The rest are illegal aliens or those who qualify for insurance but don't choose to get it.


Now they're dragging out the "it'll add $1 trillion to the deficit" meme.


Judging from Jerry's teaser, they're going to be discussing Dr Ezekiel Emanuel.


Dana Irey (one of Jerry's guests) just said you're definitely going to have death panels. Now Glenn Meakem (the other guest) is spreading the VA death book lie.


Now on the screen during the discussion: "Health Care Bill: Is Euthanasia Implied?"


The Health Care bill is questionable Constitutionally.


If you don't like the current health care system, you're going to hate Obamacare.

Show just ended. It's rare that so many myths and falsehoods (see above) could be found in such a short period of time.


  1. Typical Republican tacticts. If you repeat lies enough, they become accepted as the truth.

    I am probably biased, but I don't see Democrats just "makin' stuff up". Maybe we should start. :-)

    While the Republicans "Swift Boated" healthcare reform, the Democrats were lazy on this issue. I see that changing. I just hope it is not too late.

  2. The VA death book lie?
    So there is no 52-page end-of-life planning document, called "Your Life, Your Choices." by the VA?

    As for the progressive "That is not in the Bill" excuse.
    So if Democrats passed a law for a gun registry, would It be wrong for the NRA to complain that it could be used Gun confiscation?
    Like they did in California.

  3. A week or so ago Conservative Mountaineer commented that liberals typically change the subject if they can't defend their position.

    Heir to the Throne, what does gun registry have to do with Davoe's post on healthcare?

    As for the VA death book, here is a link to a pdf that appears to be the pamphlet in question:
    You can take a look and let me know which parts are saying that Vets should refuse medical care so that other more deserving people (like people on welfare) can have that care.

  4. You know, conservatives really do want the argument both ways simultaneously. They complain that Medicare is running out of money, so a government program to give health insurance to people currently uninsured will only make things worse (ignoring the fact that the Republicans had at least four years of controlling the Congress and the White House – Jan 2003 – Jan 2007 – when they could have fixed things, and instead they expanded Medicare with Part D). Then the Conservatives turn around and accuse the Democrats of wanting to contain costs in Medicare and thus reduce benefits to Senior Citizens, particularly by just plain executing them.

    Look, we need to have a serious discussion about health insurance reform. Do conservatives really think it is more important to scuttle any reform at all so that Obama looks bad, and by doing so allow people to remain uninsured and die by the thousands, and others to go bankrupt trying to pay for sky high medical costs. Do conservatives really think that telling people to lose weight and exercise will protect them if they are in a car accident (or wounded by a crazed gunman like that recent college graduate who was shot by Sodini and has no insurance because she hadn’t got a job yet)? But HTTT wants to change the subject and remind us that if we don’t let the NRA have everything it wants, they are going to start identifying liberals and shooting them.

  5. Heir to the Throne, what does gun registry have to do with Davoe's post on healthcare?
    I would guess that progessive political hacks would claim that there is nothing about Gun confiscation in a gun registry bill.
    The NRA is just using "Scare tactics"
    Then in a couple of years, they would pass a gun ban and use the gun registry to target they should send the Feds after.
    Just like they did in California.

  6. HTTT, you flat out didn't answer my question.

    I did look a bit and apparently there is some consensus that gun registries, to the extent any states have them, are constitutional. So, if a state bans a certain type of weapon (such as assault rifles or SKS carbines), I suppose it is also constitutional for the state to go to the homes of those registered owners of those weapons and demand they be turned it or whatever. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if there were lawsuits galore in a situation like that, and I have no idea how the Supreme Court would rule.

    On a personal level I wouldn't be sorry to see assault weapons be banned. But, again personally, I doubt anything like that would pass anytime soon in Pennsylvania (in fact, I wouldn't expect to see a gun registry anytime soon). FWIW.

    Still off topic.

  7. I'm still trying to figure out why a Washington County commissioner would be invited to a discussion on a federal health care program. Kind of like having a high school coach on to talk about the NFL season.

    That said, I kind of dig Diana Irey. She's a hottie and the whole bad politics thing makes her more attractive, in a Ruth Ann Dailey kind of way. Diana has looked kind of sad, though, since her divorce. I'll bet all the GOP bigwigs are hitting on her.
