September 1, 2009

Tomorrow is Health Care Reform Day in Pittsburgh! (Updated!)

UPDATE: There will also be a vigil outside of Rep. Altmire's office (see below)

Flagstaff Hill Becomes Health Care Reform Hill

There's both a rally and a vigil tomorrow for health care reform tomorrow.

"Health Insurance Reform Now" Bus Tour Stop
Where: Schenley Park (Flagstaff Hill), 4532 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh, PA
When: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, Doors Open: 11:00 AM, Start Time: 12:00 PM

Speakers include Congressman Mike Doyle and Organizing for America Deputy Director Jeremy Bird -- and OfA will present thousands of Pennsylvanians' declarations of support for reform. RSVP here.

We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil
Schenley Park (Flagstaff Hill), 1 Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA 15203
When: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:30 PM

"We're organizing vigils across the country for everyone who is suffering under our broken health care system. We'll send our members of Congress back to Washington, D.C. with a somber reminder of what's at stake by reading the names and telling the stories of thousands of people who have been denied...(more) needed treatments, faced bankruptcy because of a sudden illness, and even died because they lacked coverage." RSVP here.

We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil (@ Atmire's Office)
Outside of Rep. Altmire's Office, 2124 Freeport Rd, Natrona Heights, PA 15065
When: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:30 PM

"We will read the names and tell the stories of thousands of people who have been denied needed treatments, faced bankruptcy because of a sudden illness, and even died because they lacked coverage. Bring your own stories too - let's remember that the REAL death panels are corporate insurance panels!" RSVP here.


  1. "The doors" on Flagstaff Hill are "opening" at 11:00 AM?

  2. I know, I know. I could have fixed that but I decided to just cut & paste and let it stand...

  3. "The doors" on Flagstaff Hill are part of the Mayor's G 20 security precautions. Those anarchists love 'em some parks.
