Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 7, 2009

The President's Speech To The Nations School Kids

Here's an excerpt uncovered by Tommy Tomlinson, columnist for the Charlotte Observer:
We've been working to take an economy that was in bad shape and get it moving and growing again; take our national defense and make it first-rate again after a long period of decline; and to restore reason, respect and reality to our foreign policy. And I think it's fair to say that we've made a good deal of progress.
Tomlinson comments:
Those of you who were worried about what he would say: You were right all along. It is nothing but politics.

You were also right about him trying to indoctrinate the children of America into his cult of personality. Listen to this: “We want to make your future better, because tomorrow belongs to you. And since you're the leaders of tomorrow, I wanted to talk to all of you as a friend about the things you'll have to do to ensure a prosperous nation and a peaceful world.”

So in conclusion, it's clear that President Obama – wait a second. This isn't President Obama.

It was President Ronald Reagan, back in 1986.
You can read the whole speech here.

And two years later there's another speech - again to a group of Junior High School Students. It was right after the '88 election where Reagan praises the American Democratic system:
Now, last week the United States did something so exceptional that people around the world marveled at it. Last week the American people freely elected our government. Some ballots were cast by people who were rich and famous, and others were cast by most ordinary people, but each person had the same, one vote. These ballots were cast in secret, and they were counted in the open, not the other way around. And when the votes were totaled, those holding or seeking the highest positions in the land all surrendered to the will of the people. Soon, power will be peacefully transferred from those leaving office to those taking office. And, yes, we do this every election year, and that's what so much of the world marvels at. What we in America take for granted is something that's rare in history and all too remarkable on this globe, the Earth.
Which is all well and good until the Gipper cuts right:
From the beginning, the American vision was that our country would be the cradle of freedom for all mankind. Two hundred and thirteen years ago, in Philadelphia, James Allen wrote in this diary that: ``If we fail, liberty no longer continues an inhabitant of this globe.'' But our Founding Fathers didn't fail. And now it's our duty to bring the values of the American Revolution to all the peoples of the world, and this is happening. Today, to a degree never before seen in human history, one nation, the United States, has become the model to be followed and imitated by the rest of the world.

But America's world leadership goes well beyond the tide toward democracy. We also find that more countries than ever before are following America's revolutionary economic message of free enterprise, low taxes, and open world trade. These days, whenever I see foreign leaders, they tell me about their plans for reducing taxes and other economic reforms that they're using, copying what we have done here in our country. I wonder if they realize that this vision of economic freedom -- the freedom to work, to create and produce, to own and use property without the interference of the state -- was central to the American Revolution when the American colonists rebelled against a whole web of economic restrictions, taxes, and barriers to free trade. The message at the Boston Tea Party -- have you studied yet in history about the Boston Tea Party, where, because of a tax, they went down and dumped the tea in the harbor? Well, that was America's original tax revolt. And it was the fruits of our labor -- belonged to us, and not to the state. And that truth is fundamental to both liberty and prosperity.
Of course he means his party's message of "free enterprise, low taxes and open world trade" Not America's. And of course he was, to paraphrase Jim Greer, head of God's Own Party in Florida, looking to indoctrinate "American's youngest children before they have a chance to decide for themselves."

Such political indoctrination unnoticed and unmentioned by the birther/tenther/"Obama, that untrustworthy Communist Negro, wants to kill your Grandma" crowd.

I wonder why.


Ellipses said...

Full transcript here:

EdHeath said...

I guess I am waiting for Conservative Mountaineer to comment that because of his efforts, that's why Obama had to change his speech and drop his lesson plans, because the commies knew that good, decent Americans were on to them.

Just like Van Jones knew that good, decent Americans were on to him. Because he signed a petition in 2004, he is clearly a dangerous loose cannon bent on undermining and overthrowing the US government in 2009.

I am waiting for Conservative Mountaineer to say that GHW Bush's speech to school kids urging them to stay in school was totally different than Obama's speech urging kids to stay in school. And that Reagan's speech was somehow non-political as he praised his efforts to lower taxation (and failed to mention his efforts to de-regulate which could be traced in a direct line to collapse of the financial system last year).

Yeah, let's hear from all those people like Glenn Beck who led the charge against Van Jones, and who engage in honest debate by screaming at callers to their radio show.

Ellipses said...

I'm working on a tongue in cheek post to that effect now

Conservative Mountaineer said...

Go ahead, Ellipses.. hit me with your best shot... .
I'm waiting.

Conservative Mountaineer said...

Ed... Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no magical powers and its wasn't me who thwarted 0bama's planned speech. However, thank you very much for your thoughts.

Clyde Wynant said...

I still have to wonder WTF is going on the with MSM?

Why isn't this front page news on the WaPo or the Times? They should be reaming these bastards. Can you tell I'm fed up?

Time to fire up the "rapid response teams" again and start to play this game for keeps.

EdHeath said...

Ah CM, that old selective hearing. Were not you the one who declared that "What President Bush did is in NO WAY similar to what Obama is doing."
Waiting to hear you repeat that remark ....
Still waiting.

Conservative Mountaineer said...

Uuuh.. don't think President Bush had suggested class topics/assignments, such as "What can I do for Obama?" "What can I do to help Obama?", etc.

Also, me thinks the speech delivered by Obama was different than originally planned.. just sayin'. 'Course, we'll never know, will we?

EdHeath said...

CM, I don't know if President Bush even had lesson plans, or if he just spoke (without trying to reinforce the message). And (again, and as usual) you misrepresent Obama's Education Department's lesson plans. The message was very clearly "what can I do to make happen what the President asked me to do" (i.e., stay in school, study harder, take up an extracurricular activity, etc).

As far an your continued innuendo that the President changed a propaganda speech into a stay in school speech because of whatever, the fact that you even raise that possibility indicates how little respect you have for democracy. Obama is the elected President. And if you want anyone to think Republicans are better citizens than Democrats, you won’t bring up any crap about how Democrat’s treated George W Bush.

I take it otherwise you are admitting President Obama's education speech is very similar to former President George HW Bush's speech. Even if you still refuse to actually say it.