October 6, 2009

Conservapedia's Terminator Jesus©

Conservapedia's efforts to re-translate the Christian Bible to remove "corruption by liberal bias" and the "emasculation of Christianity" and to explain "the numerous economic parables with their full free-market meaning" reminds me of something that I wrote back in 2004 when I was blogging as Liz Adobe at the Honsberger is a Liar blog:
Terminator Jesus© is in charge of the good old US of A and he's taking names and kicking ass! (You can forget that old pussy, liberal "Sermon on the Mount" Jew because we have the new action-packed Terminator Jesus©.)
You can read the whole thing here.

(h/t to Spork)


  1. Both Supply-Side Jesus and the Conservapedia Translation where Pharisees become "intellectuals" are depressing. Further proof that the conservative movement is apparently opposed to the concept of learning, at least in the context of religion.

  2. Funny thing is that the Pharisees (the forerunners of modern Rabbinic Judaism) were actually somewhat on the mystic side, although not as much as the Essenes. It was actually the Sadducees who clung to a strict literalism that was easily corrupted by Hellenism and the Roman power elite (which is why Sadducee-ism died with the destruction of the Second Temple).
