October 6, 2009

Dan Onorato: Sweet & Sour

While Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato makes his run PA governor official today, he is not without his detractors.

From Dan Onorato:
I wanted you to be among the first to know that I am going to officially announce my candidacy for Governor with a three-day tour across Pennsylvania beginning Tuesday, October 6th.


I believe that Pittsburgh's renaissance can be replicated across Pennsylvania. We can stimulate our economy by investing in green technology. We can put Pennsylvanians back to work by creating next-generation jobs in innovative fields. We can provide every child with a quality education by making college more affordable.

But I can only do this with your support. I hope you can join me at one of my eight stops.

DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 6 - Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh
Philadelphia City Hall
Second Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
9:30 AM

Riverfront Park
100 Block of South Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
12:00 PM

IBEW Local 5 Hall
5 Hot Metal Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Doors open at 5:00 PM

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 7 - Johnstown, State College and Wilkes-Barre
The Pavilion
Corner of Park Place & Main Street
Johnstown, PA
10:00 AM

State College
Penn State University
HUB-Robeson Center
Room 129A
State College, PA
12:00 PM

River Common
North Union & North River Streets
Wilkes-Barre, PA
5:00 PM

DAY 3 - Thursday, October 8 - Allentown and Erie

Allentown Brew Works
812 W. Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101
12:00 PM

Perry Square Park
Corner of South Park Row & Peach Street
Erie, PA
4:30 PM

From Albert Petrarca:
What: Peaceful Rally to Denounce Dan Onorato's candidacy for Governor of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009
Where: Outside IBEW Hall, 29th and Sydney (one block off Carson Street towards the river on Pittsburgh's Southside
Time: 5:00 PM

County Executive Dan Onorato and Mayor Luke Ravenstahl are the two leaders who presided over and sanctioned the imposition of a police state on the city of Pittsburgh during the G20.

By announcing his candidacy for Governor this coming Tuesday, Mr. Onorato wants to extend his brutal and destructive leadership to all of Pennsylvania. A coalition of student and community groups will peacefully assemble outside the IBEW Hall on Pittsburgh's Southside to declare that Dan Onorato is neither morally nor politically fit to be Governor.

In addition to trampling on our constitutional rights and violently repressing both protesters and non-protestors alike, Mr. Onorato has, in general, been disastrous for the people of Pittsburgh. He supported the costly and unnecessary North Shore tunnel to service the needs of sports franchise and casino owners while simultaneously raising fares and cutting service to city and county residents who depend on public transportation. While on city council, he was the most vocal opponent of the creation of the Citizen Police Review Board. In general, he has placed the interest of Corporate Pittsburgh above the needs of the people of Pittsburgh.

In a democratic society, one of the means available to the people seeking accountability and justice is the electoral process. We are coming together to use this avenue of civic participation to see to it that Dan Onorato does not become Governor of Pennsylvania. Not in our city - Not in our state - Not in our name


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