November 8, 2009


I just got a fundraising call from the DSCC -- I think -- they were asking for money to elect more Democratic Senators.

I made sure the telefundraiser knew that I would not give any money to elect any Blue Dogs. No money unless I know it would go to Senators who would/will reject the Stupak/Pitts Amendment.

I probably should apologize to the guy who called because I nearly bit his head off and I have been where he's at, but then again, he seemed to have never heard of the Stupak Amendment so screw him.


  1. The DSCC called me last week.

    I recall using the term "spineless bastards" before hanging up.

    A Spork in the Drawer

  2. not 1 cent. not 1, til i see some concern for people and not their own re-election.
