November 8, 2009

Sunday Morning Music Post, Jason Altmire Edition



  1. Maria, Is Jason Altmire even your Rep?
    He is mine and I must say I have been happy with his votes. He has not stabbed his constituents in the back like Bill Owens of NY-23.
    I figured you to be a city dweller and your rep to be Gun Grabbing POS Democrat hack Mike Doyle.

  2. So I can't criticize a congressman who isn't my Rep?

    Is that some new rule (that you just made up on the spot and don't follow yourself)?

  3. Let's be clear here. I am in favor of the healthcare reform bill, and I would prefer a strong public option. But Congressman Altmire was extremely accurate when he said, "my constituency just isn't there". I have been to town hall meetings and even Democratic committee meetings, and I have yet to see an audience that had a majority in favor of this bill. So, it wasn't Altmire or Obama that has failed, it was US. When are people like you going to learn that it wasn't Ralph Nader or Gay Rights initiatives that gave us GW Bush, and it wasn't the universal healthcare debate that gave us Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Melissa Hart, and the so-called Contract With America, it was YOU, and people like you and me. The sad part is, I agree with most of your ideals, but some people don't recognize that the only winning political equation for Democrats in most of America is "rich vs. middle class". In District 4, most people who vote unfortunately don't care about poor people, or a woman's right to choose, or single working Moms or Dads without healthcare. So unfortunately in the 4th, we have representative democracy, and any Democrat who pines for the days of Melissa Hart is out of their minds, and out of touch with reality. The Republicans don't simply want to fail to install new government supports and stop new efforts to protect the environment, reduce availabiity of assault weapons, give tax relief to middle class, etc. etc, they want to dismantle the existing structures. They want to bankrupt Medicare and Social Security. They want to get rid of public education, or at least get rid of high paying union jobs. They want to increase giveaways to the rich like the end of estate taxes and preferred stock tax cuts, even if it means creating a deficit that our grandkids will be paying off. Don't forget, Bush and the Republicans created their deficit without creating a single job for SIX years - it was a deficit that was entirely targeted at the rich. So, I urge people to see the forest despite the trees, and frame all arguments as rich vs. middle class, and until we can do a better job of convincing middle class America why this is a good thing for them, we should avoid castigating our political leaders and instead look in the mirror.

  4. So I can't criticize a congressman who isn't my Rep?
    Of course you can criticize Altmire. I just criticized Owens and Doyle who are not my reps.
    I don't have the same view on Free Speech as the Democrats.

    I am just pointing that your outrage is not shared by his constituents (The bitter clinging type). Funny the progressive/media purity test meme advanced for NY-23 does not apply with Altmire.
    If you/Democrats want to waste resources on running a more progressive candidate against Almore. Gaia speed and go forward.

    Remember that You can't vote against Altmire for a more progressive candidate unless you follow the Acorn playbook and fraudulently register to vote in the PA-4.

  5. altmire is my rep. i've met him more than once. he will not get my vote again!
