March 29, 2010

I don't think so

I must have missed the part in the Bible where Jesus was accused of covering up the abuse and rape of thousands of children. Either that or New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan has a somewhat different version of the book.


  1. i can't even put into words how sick these vatican people are.

  2. Better change the name of this blog to: "1 Political Junkie, 1 Obsessive Catholic Basher."

  3. You say I'm a "Catholic basher" when the only ones that I'm "bashing" are those who participated in the abuse and rape of children, those who covered up the abuse and rape of children, and those who attempt to defend those who covered up the abuse and rape of children.

    So do you think ALL Catholics fit in one of the above groups? If so, you're the basher. If not, than recognize that I'm not "Catholic bashing" but "bashing" bad Catholics.

    It's established fact that there was abuse and a massive cover up and that the protocol called for threatening anyone who exposed the abuse to excommunication.

    Are you defending that?

    The Catholics that I know are not.

    Moreover, I was baptized into and confirmed by the Catholic Church. Lovely to know now that the Bishop who quizzed me about my faith then during my Confirmation was under orders not to report sexual abuse and rape by priests (Ratzinger was only reemphasizing a decree that had existed since the early 1960s).

    Furthermore, these are the same Church leaders who obsessively insert themselves into US politics, women's reproductive rights and the Health Care Reform bill while somehow remaining tax exempt.

    I am no longer a Catholic, but I am a citizen who knows that there ought to be RICO charges brought at this point.

    (Besides, the other Political Junkie has blogged on this issue three times in the past week so you're wrong there too.)

  4. Do you think that when someone "bashes" Bush or Obama or Congress that they are America bashing?

  5. As an erstwhile Catholic I stand with Maria on this, there are definitely a multitude of criminal Catholics who need bashing & much more.

  6. >>>Besides, the other Political Junkie has blogged on this issue three times in the past week so you're wrong there too.)<<<

    Uh, you blogged about it five times in less than 24 hours. My statement stands, thanks.

    >>>I am no longer a Catholic<<<

    Wow, who could have guessed?

  7. v67,

    You either can't count or can't tell time.

    And, if the Vatican and their rape apologists would stop making stupid statements, I wouldn't have so much to blog about.
