March 29, 2010

Joe Hoeffel Denounces Corbett's Health Care Lawsuit

Via the Joe Hoeffel campaign:
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Hoeffel today castigated Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett for “acting against the best interests of Pennsylvanians” by joining fellow right-wing attorneys general in a lawsuit against the new federal health care law.

At a press conference in the rotunda of the State Capitol, Hoeffel said that Corbett “is acting in collusion with a bloc of right-wing state attorneys general to advance an extremist agenda.”

Hoeffel went on to say that this is the fourth time Corbett has joined with his fellow conservative attorneys general to oppose legislation that would protect Pennsylvanians. Passing out a fact sheet detailing his charges, Hoeffel pointed out that on at least three other occasions Corbett has joined with the same 10 AGs to twice oppose protecting the safety of their citizens, protecting consumer rights, and, now, opposing critically needed health care reforms.


The fact sheet distributed by the Hoeffel campaign showed that:
  • In 2008, Corbett joined attorneys general in supporting another lawsuit, supporting the effort to overturn the rights of citizens of Washington, DC, to protect themselves through enacting sensible gun safety legislation. Of the thirteen Attorneys General who filed the frivolous lawsuit against health care reform, eleven -- including Corbett -- opposed protecting the safety of citizens in their states.

  • In 2009, twenty-four attorneys general urged Senate and Congressional leaders to create a federal Consumer Financial Protection Agency -- an agency directly supporting the core role of state attorneys general. Again, of the thirteen Attorneys General who filed the frivolous lawsuit against health care reform, those same eleven --- including Corbett -- declined to sign this letter to protect the rights of consumers in their states.

  • And late last year, thirty-eight Attorneys General again supported the effort to overturn the rights of citizens to protect themselves through enacting sensible gun safety legislation, this time in Chicago. The bloc of eleven -- including Corbett -- united in opposition to protecting the safety of their citizens yet again.
  • You can read the entire release here.

    1 comment:

    1. Can someone explain the law to me here? Is Corbett, (and all the rest) free to prosecute or sue whoever and whatever they want? Do that have that much power? Is there no checks or balances on them?

      This is so clearly a political move that is stinks like dead fish, but I know that Tommy doesn't care. He's been angling to be the Guv for years now -- and he owes a LOT of favors to the GOP faithful...
