May 9, 2011

Oh, Come ON!

On the one hand, the blogger in me is ecstatic that this has occurred:

Chuck McCullough's county exec chances -- should he win the primary next week -- got a boost by Judge Donald Machen today. From Vivian Nereim:

The criminal trial of Republican county executive candidate Charles P. McCullough has been postponed until Nov. 14, one week after the general election.

Mr. McCullough's trial had previously been scheduled to start the week before the May 17 primary, but his lawyers asked for a delay. The former county council member is accused of diverting the funds of a 90-year-old widow to make political and charitable contributions without her knowledge.

Mr. McCullough, 56, of Upper St. Clair, has denied any wrongdoing.
For a blogger, the thought of having a guy who's been arrested running for such an important job is a promise for just endless blogger fun.

But as a resident of Allegheny County, I can't imagine a worse situation.

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