May 9, 2011

Things that make you go "Hmmm"

Via the Pittsburgh City Paper's Slag Heap blog:
City council district 5

Corey O'Connor raised just under $33,000 this year -- not an earth-shattering total, but thanks largely to the political inheritance of his father, he came into the year with more than $127,500 -- and still has more than $100,000 left. His biggest contributors are union PACs -- Steamfitters #449 gave him $2,000, for example. O'Connor's boss, Congressman Mike Doyle, helped his protege out with a $1,000 PAC contribution.

But progressives take note: O'Connor has also received $500 from Family PAC. That PAC, operated by the Donahue family (of Federated Investors fame), typically backs pro-life candidates. Family PAC also supported Republicans Tim Murphy and Heather Heidelbaugh so far this year. And it contributed $1,000 to the Susan B. Anthony List, which seeks to elect pro-life women around the country. [Emphasis added]
Past recipients of Family PAC funds include McCain-Palin, Rick Santorum, Melissa Hart, Tom Corbett, Pat Toomey, Jane Orie, Phil Ignelzi and Sarah PAC.

Family PAC certainly overwhelmingly favors Republicans, but Corey O'Connor is certainly not a Republican, so it doesn't necessarily follow that because they back anti choice candidates that O'Connor is anti choice (nor does it necessarily follow that because they support him that he supports them). But, it sure would be nice to know both what O'Connor's position is on choice and why Family PAC felt compelled to back him.

And, at this point I feel compelled to note that Chris Zurawsky -- also running in District 5 -- received the most endorsements by progressive groups (Gertrude Stein Political Club, Democracy for Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club); and that Zurawsky is pro choice; and that abortion-related issues do come up in City Council Chambers (also, compelled to repeat that I've been paid by the Friends of Chris Zurawsky campaign to create and maintain his website).

UPDATE: Via the Pittsburgh City Paper:
So where's O'Connor on this issue? Our very own Chris Young asked him that question awhile back. It seems safe to say that O'Connor was not as enthusiastic about the issue as Zurawsky is. But O'Connor did respond that if elected to council, "I would support the bubble-zone" -- a reference to a protester-free area that is maintained around the entrance to family-planning cliincs. O'Connor later added that he didn't think local elected officials "should make a decision on someone's personal life and how they want to choose."



  1. Thanks, but credit goes to Chris Potter at his Slag Heap blog.

  2. I attended a 15th Ward candidates night last week. Zurawsky seems like a nice guy, but he's certainly no campaigner.

  3. Ouch Rich. That hurt! (Although you're right, I am definitely a nice guy.) As a first time candidate, I might not be all that yet in every public appearance--for instance, I didn't wear a necktie to the event that you referenced--but I'm working hard to improve. You're related to 15th Ward Chair Bill Tenney, right? If I'm not mistaken, he's supporting my opponent.

    In other news, following up on Maria's post, Planned Parenthood's 2011 voters guide lists four Pittsburgh City Council candidates as PRO reproductive freedom and prevention: me, Bruce Kraus, Lucille Prater-Holliday and Phyllis Copeland-Mitchell. Corey O'Connor is not listed.

  4. Chris , At one point @ Bram's Pgh Comet, I did call a Zurawsky upset with the expectation that an aggressive campaign could boast numbers in the voter rich 14th ward part of your district. I haven't seen that necessary campaign.$$$ plays a huge role in any campaign, but what you don't have in $$ you make up in man hours being everywhere as often as possible. No sign of that either. I stood at the bar next to you for a bit before you spoke. You need to reach out to people. Your speech was low, hardly audible. If you worked the room, i didn't see it.Corey has a presence that you lack. I'm sure that all comes down to personality. Just an observation, not a shot.

    And yes, my brother is the chair in 15. And yes he is supporting Corey, the endorsed candidate. i live in Oakland, and I have no horse in this race.In terms of experience, on paper you certainly look more qualified and experienced. Can you work that against a BIGTIME political name? Can you get enough voters out of the district's part of 14 to overcome Corey's solid numbers that will come out of 15??? We'll know next week. Best of luck and kudos for taking on the challenge.

    btw did I see you giving an interview in the Red Oak Cafe in Oakland maybe in march early April???
