August 18, 2016

Meanwhile, Outside...(NOAA State of the Climate Report for July 2016)

Remember a coupla days ago when I said we were "still a few days away" from NOAA's July "State of the Climate" report?

Well, today's the day:
For the 15th consecutive month, the global land and ocean temperature departure from average was the highest since global temperature records began in 1880. This marks the longest such streak in NOAA's 137 years of record keeping.
[S]ince July is climatologically the globe's warmest month of the year, the July 2016 global land and ocean temperature (16.67°C / 62.01°F) was the highest temperature for any month on record, surpassing the previous record set in July 2015.
So last July was the warmest month on record - until this July.

So how does your favorite municipal/statewide/congressional/presidential candidate stand on the science?

Chances are, if they're a republican, they're agin it - even though it's still getting warmer out there.


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