August 17, 2016

So Where's PAT TOOMEY, These Days?

Not as interesting as Carmen Santiago, admittedly, but as his party implodes around him (thanks to their chosen leader, Donald Trump) Pat Toomey's out campaigning.

The Centre Daily has the info:
U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., kicked off an eight-day, 26-county re-election bid tour on Sunday in a bus with the words “security, prosperity, independence” displayed in capital letters on the side.

The tour made two stops in the area on Tuesday — one in Spruce Creek in Huntingdon County and the other at Champs Sports Grill on North Atherton Street in State College. Security was a topic of much discussion.
Ah...but he's not alone.

Our friends at NextGen are with him.

From their press release:
On August 16, NextGen Climate PA, Planned Parenthood, For our Future, and grassroots activists will follow Senator Pat Toomey's bus tour through central PA. Traveling with a giant 10 foot friendship bracelet, attendees will highlight the similarities between the candidates on important issues and note their dangerous and extreme agenda for Pennsylvanians.

"It's hard not to notice all of the things that Senator Toomey and Donald Trump have in common. With so many similarities between them when it comes to important issues, one might even go as far as to call them 'BFFs.' It's easy to imagine them watching the game, sharing a pizza, and discussing ways to keep lining the pockets of corporate polluters rather than addressing climate change and putting the public health of Pennsylvania families first," said Pat Millham, State Director for NextGen Pennsylvania.
In case you didn't know, NextGen Climate: a San Francisco-based environmental advocacy organization. Founded by businessperson and philanthropist Tom Steyer in 2013, we act politically to prevent climate disaster and promote prosperity for every American. Working at every level, we are committed to supporting candidates, elected officials, and policymakers across the country that will take bold action on climate change. NextGen Climate Action is a 501(c)(4) organization. NextGen Climate Action Committee is a political action committee.
Which is interesting considering Toomey's visit yesterday.

From the Centre Daily:
At an event hosted by U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson, R-Howard Township, for agricultural leaders, Toomey said the Iran nuclear deal “endangers us.”
Representative Thompson is a climate science denier (as is Toomey, for that matter).

In 2009, when the Democrats were the majority in the house, Thompson said this about climate science:
In the debate and most of the debate of the majority party here, it's not so much based on real science as political science or even, to some degree, science fiction.
And we all know Toomey doesn't believe human activity significantly contributes to climate change.

And we all know the leader of their party thinks it's a hoax.

As much as Toomey tries to distance himself from his party's leader, he simply can't.  And good for NextGen Climate for reminding us all how deep that friendship (that perfect blendship) really is.

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