August 22, 2018

Unindicted Co-conspirator

A former Watergate prosecutor said that Tuesday’s plea deal by Michael Cohen means President Donald Trump now has something in common with President Richard Nixon
“There’s no question about it,” Nick Akerman said on MSNBC. “This makes the president of the United States an unindicted co-conspirator.”


  1. The. Alternative. To. Impeachment. Of. Trump.

    Days ago, President Trump refused to answer to charges of wrongdoing (obstruction) in the Mueller investigation, and now admits to collusion - a high crime. President Trump doesn't want to obey the rule of law and be subject to constitutional authority. That is dangerous and an impeachable offense. To not take action is enabling corruption. So, we must act to preserve liberty.

    Let's think this through... to impeach Trump, normally would have to wait for a majority in Congress, then wait for the House to hold a hearing to recommend impeaching to the Senate, then wait for the Senate hearing to convene and come to a decision... as much as 18 MONTHS FROM NOW??? That's not justice!

    Whether you support anti-Trump movement, support impeachment but not the wait, or support using the 25th Amendment but do not support another Republican replacing him, the cringe on each Facebook profile looks excruciating.

    Eh, there’s gotta be something else… in which removes President Trump from office now, puts in someone who has integrity, and whom all of the people will support even if they don't like. But, how?

    What are the choices? Impeach? 25th Amendment? One is too long, the other too specific. And, neither are guaranteed to stick. Plus, why wait on such a grueling process that will only serve a Pence ascension, or equally unpalatable end involving a national embarrassment that entrenches party antics? You're forgetting the Tenth Amendment.

    We believe those are our only options because we are spoon-fed to believe it. Because that is the way things are done and we don't dare question that there perhaps may be another option. But, what if the Constitution is not written in stone as conservative justice Antonin Scalia suggested?

    What if, as a living document, the powers of the people found in the Constitution and defined by the Declaration of Independence, in fact, can remove Trump in a different way altogether - regardless of having never been used in that manner before?

    That's a mouthful. Let's break that up for those who did not take civics class.

    Powers of the people are authorized by the Tenth Amendment. Amendments modify whatever powers and rights precede it. Powers of the people are defined in the Declaration, most notably found in Par. 2.

    It says the people have power to consent and delegate authority or not to the United States and its government, and to alter or abolish any of it, in whole or part, if necessary, of any or all government authorities… when government acts "destructive" towards our rights and liberties.

    Meaning, forget impeachment or the 25th Amendment. We can change it to be whatever the (bleep), the heck we so (bleep) choose to (bleep) the (bleep) make it, and the (bleeping) (bleeps) in power have to go along with it because they crossed the line and tried to make the US a police state! (Edited to show emphasis.) Ok, that's the un-technical version.

    Supported by founding law, the people believe they are in their founding constitutional right and authority in this instance to revoke (by consent) and re-delegate (as reserved powers) federal authority for the following acts:
    - to alter elections to include the recall of federal officials (per George Washington);
    - to impeach any federal officer (per revoked and re-delegated powers);
    - to levy the office of President (per John Adams, reserved powers), and;
    - to place a lien on the credit of the United States by 4th branch powers (attributed to Thomas Jefferson).
    Not only is it our right, but our authority to do so. The right to vote, and the power of the people to enforce it, is absolute and CANNOT be taken away.

    So, let's petition to effectively remove Donald Trump from office, for crimes against the people and for illegally occupying the office, and request Congress to install the President voted by recall levy.

    If we stand together, we can see Trump removed immediately.
    More info at:

  2. 4 months ago Trump is finished.

    "By the way, here’s a nice lollipop for you two to suck on: the Feds and the NY State AG both now have the evidence. Do you understand what that means? It doesn’t disappear even if Mueller does. It’s too late for Trump to fire Mueller and have it work. We have reached the Nixon Tapes moment, the tipping point, when it is too late. You’re not getting it (what a shock) but it is too damn late.

    Let me tell you how this all looks five years down the road. Trump will absolutely own the worst president spot. That is baked in. That is unstoppable. If he cured cancer he’d still own last place. He will also dethrone Warren G. Harding as our most corrupt president ever.

    We will be deluged with tell-all books from ex-Trumpies spilling their guts and telling horror stories of their time in the White House. Just about everything the media has reported will be shown to be true.

    The entire Trump phenomenon will be seen as a cautionary tale in the danger of a careless and uninformed electorate. You, Eric, and you Paul, and all you ‘base’ Trumpaloons, will be a national embarrassment. We’ll all be trying to pretend people like you didn’t really exist. We’ll need that pretense to regain some shred of national pride.

    And a few dozen angry old white guys with too many guns and not enough Metamucil will decide to water the tree of liberty by murdering some people. They’ll give themselves some melodramatic name and assemble in Waco. I hear there’s a somewhat fire-damaged compound available, cheap.

    Pardon, Resign, Flee. That’s the closest thing to a good move for Trump now.

    By the way, here’s a nice lollipop for you two to suck on: the Feds and the NY State AG both now have the evidence. Do you understand what that means? It doesn’t disappear even if Mueller does. It’s too late for Trump to fire Mueller and have it work. We have reached the Nixon Tapes moment, the tipping point, when it is too late. You’re not getting it (what a shock) but it is too damn late.

    Let me tell you how this all looks five years down the road. Trump will absolutely own the worst president spot. That is baked in. That is unstoppable. If he cured cancer he’d still own last place. He will also dethrone Warren G. Harding as our most corrupt president ever.

    We will be deluged with tell-all books from ex-Trumpies spilling their guts and telling horror stories of their time in the White House. Just about everything the media has reported will be shown to be true.

    The entire Trump phenomenon will be seen as a cautionary tale in the danger of a careless and uninformed electorate. You, Eric, and you Paul, and all you ‘base’ Trumpaloons, will be a national embarrassment. We’ll all be trying to pretend people like you didn’t really exist. We’ll need that pretense to regain some shred of national pride.

    And a few dozen angry old white guys with too many guns and not enough Metamucil will decide to water the tree of liberty by murdering some people. They’ll give themselves some melodramatic name and assemble in Waco. I hear there’s a somewhat fire-damaged compound available, cheap.

    Pardon, Resign, Flee. That’s the closest thing to a good move for Trump now."
