August 27, 2018

Senator John McCain, It's Complicated.

To be sure, my politics and his politics barely overlapped - but for all that, for what he endured in Vietnam, he's still a hero.

Just one whose politics I found little with which to agree.

Lotsa folks are focusing on this - the redshirt woman and McCain's defense of Obama and how it presaged our current Trump-tainted reality.

But that wingnut anti-rationalism was there all along.  Take a look. The only difference is that now, the current occupant of the White House is happily at home with such drivel.

On the other hand, let's not forget that he defended Henry Kissinger against protesters calling Kissinger a war criminal (100,000 dead East Timorese, anyone?) while calling those protesting as "lowlife scum."

So, happy Monday!

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