Democracy Has Prevailed.

March 21, 2019

Meanwhile, Outside

From the climate scientists at NOAA:
The February 2019 global land and ocean surface temperature was the fifth highest for February in the 140-year record at 0.79°C (1.42°F) above the 20th century average. While much of the Southern Hemisphere was experiencing unusually warm conditions during February, the Northern Hemisphere was much more variable. The most notable cool temperature departures from average were present across parts of the Northern Hemisphere, specifically across Canada and the contiguous U.S. as well as parts of central Asia, where temperatures were 3.0°C (5.4°F) below average or cooler. Meanwhile, much of Alaska, Europe, central Russia and the Far East had temperatures that were 4.0°C (7.2°F) above average or higher. Across the oceans, the Southern Ocean off the southern coast of South Africa was quite remarkable and record warm for this region, with temperature departures from average at +2.5°C (+4.5°F) or higher. Additional areas with record warm February temperatures include parts of Alaska, Central America, the Barents Sea, the Southern Ocean off Australia's southeastern coast, the Indian Ocean, the East China Sea as well as parts of northeastern Brazil.
And they added (as they usually do) a chart:

That's what the science says.

Of course the orange vulgarity tweeting from some White House toilet says:
Too bad that very little of this is actually true.

For example, Greenpeace itself says that Patrick Moore was not a "co-founder of Greenpeace"

And we all know what the science says.

This is from ten years ago:
A comprehensive review of key climate indicators confirms the world is warming and the past decade was the warmest on record. More than 300 scientists from 48 countries analyzed data on 37 climate indicators, including sea ice, glaciers and air temperatures. A more detailed review of 10 of these indicators, selected because they are clearly and directly related to surface temperatures, all tell the same story: global warming is undeniable. [Emphasis added.]
And this year?  Take a look:
Global surface temperatures were 0.38°–0.48°C above the 1981–2010 average, depending upon the dataset used. This places 2017 as the second or third warmest annual global temperature since records be-gan in the mid- to late 1800s and makes it the warmest non–El Niño year on record, as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions were neutral through much of 2017, with weak La Niña conditions at the start and end. The four warmest years on record have occurred since 2014.
So despite what the ignorant occupant of the alt-right White House says, it's getting warmer outside.

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