August 22, 2020

QAnon And The Human Trafficking Protest - A Pittsburgh Connection!

 Hey, remember this blog post from last week?

Well, NBC News is reporting that the rallies are nationwide:

On the second Saturday of August, about 100 protestors gathered at the "Big Red Wagon," a well-known attraction in downtown Spokane, Washington. Men, women and children marched through the streets chanting, “Save the children.” It was ostensibly an effort “to raise awareness and start a conversation” about child trafficking, according to a local television reporter at the scene.

Many of the marchers held signs that would be expected at such a rally: "Save our kids," "Your silence is deafening," and "Wake up 4 our children," to name a few.

But other signs were less clear, and suggested that something darker was going on during an event that otherwise seemed organic and sympathetic. "Symbolism will be their downfall," one read. Another featured the hashtag "#Pedowood." Yet another was a strange acronym: “WWG1WGA," short for "Where we go one, we go all."

Sound familiar? We saw this last week.

As a reminder, this was one poster at the rally at the City-County building recently in Pittsburgh:

You'll note the "WWG1WGA" in the lower left hand corner. Incidentally, the main text of the poster seems to reflect these two paragraphs from NBC's reporting:

In early August, the hashtag #SaveTheChildren seemed to be everywhere. As it spiked, Facebook briefly disabled the hashtag, with a warning that it went against community standards. That action poured gasoline on the QAnon community, which rallied to circumvent what they claimed in groups was “censorship.”

The hashtag was reinstated and continued to take off but lost steam when QAnon believers moved to #SaveOurchildren after realizing Save the Children, the humanitarian organization founded in 1919, was funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has been a constant target of unfounded conspiracy theories spread by QAnon groups since the coronavirus pandemic began.

Hey, I have an update. I found a couple more posters from this rally:

You'll note the QAnon "WWG1WGA" on the left and Pizzagate "pizza slice" on the right.

But what's "Pedowood"? That's that portion of the QAnon conspiracy theory dealing with pedophilia in Hollywood (pedophilia + Hollywood = pedowood, get it?), including Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia De Rossi and Oprah Winfrey. That's right. Those folks.

Another rally scheduled for today (though you'll have to find it yourself, sorry). 

 I wonder if QAnon will be there, too.