August 7, 2021

Sincere Message To Wendy Bell, The Angel of Death


This is your dear dear old friend Dayvoe over at 2 Political Junkies. Remember me? You invited me onto your program despite the fact that I am blocked from commenting on your Facebook page.

We've never met.

I have no idea anything about you - how you take your coffee, if you're a morning or an evening person, or whether you have any opinion vis-à-vis Kirk vs Picard.

We've never met. I know nothing about you but you're a human being and I'm a human being and that's all I got to go on right now.

Have you heard about Dick Farrel?

From Newsweek:

A Florida radio host who was vehemently outspoken about vaccinations died from COVID-19 complications on Friday.

Dick Farrel, of West Palm Beach, Florida, was beloved by many listeners and supports for his right-wing opinions. Farrel was also known for his thoughts on the COVID-19 vaccine, which he was opposed to taking himself.

Prior to his death, the radio veteran made a number of comments on Facebook regarding Dr. Fauci and the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Fauci, the power tripping lying freak named in the Trump lawsuit," Farrel said in July. "Why take a vax promoted by people who lied 2 u all along about masks, where the virus came from, and the death toll?"

He also had a Facebook page where he posted stuff like this: 

Do any of these ideas look familiar?

Then there's Scott Apley down in the sovereign state of Texas:

A leader of the Texas Republican Party hopped on Facebook in May to post about a “mask burning” party 900 miles away in Cincinnati.

“I wished I lived in the area!” wrote H Scott Apley.

The month before, Apley responded to what Baltimore’s former health commissioner was heralding as “great news” — clinical trials showed the Pfizer vaccine was effective at fighting the coronavirus, including one of the recent variants, for at least six months.

“You are an absolute enemy of a free people,” he wrote in a Twitter reply.

And on Friday, the 45-year-old Dickinson City Council member republished a Facebook post implying that vaccines don’t work.

Two days later, Apley was admitted to a Galveston hospital with “pneumonia-like symptoms” and tested positive for coronavirus, according to an online fundraising campaign. He was sedated and put on a ventilator.

On Wednesday, he died, members of his county’s party announced on social media.

This is that Facebook post he republished:

Do these ideas sound familiar to you?

You said recently that virtually all the members of your extended family have been vaccinated - which is good news as it offers you some amount of protection. How much, no one knows. You're also living in a repetitively well vaccinated state (compared to Florida and Texas, at least). So there's that.

But still. Where do you see your own story ending? Being vaccinated or being intubated in a Covid ward?

How many more people have to suffer and die, Wendy?
