September 16, 2021

Message To Wendy Bell: Pope Francis On "The Jab"

From The Vatican:

The Pope has joined his voice to those of Bishops across North and South America to urge people to get jabbed against Covid-19.

In a video message produced in conjunction with the Ad Council, Pope Francis praised the work of researchers and scientists in producing safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines.

“Thanks to God’s grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from Covid-19,” he said in the video released on Wednesday.


Pope Francis went on to say that getting a Covid jab that is “authorized by the respective authorities” is an “act of love.”

Helping other do the same, he said, is also an act of love. “Love for oneself, love for our families and friends, and love for all peoples. Love is also social and political.”

The Pope noted that social and political love is built up through “small, individual gestures capable of transforming and improving societies.”

“Getting vaccinated is a simple yet profound way to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable,” he said.

Pope Francis then prayed to God that “each one of us can make his or her own small gesture of love.”

This reminded me of something Wendy Bell, SW PA's Angel of Death, said after being fact checked by a Alan Dershowitz, prominent Trump defender:

She references an interview Dershowitz did with Newsmax television. You can read about it here.

And this is how Newsmax characterized this part of the conversation:

Dershowitz also argued that the decision to be vaccinated is not really up to a person alone to make, as a shot does not only protect the person getting it. 

"I'm vaccinated and I'm not going into crowded places without masks," said Dershowitz. "I'm 83 years old and I don't want to get COVID, even if it doesn't kill me or hospitalize me. Vaccinated people are at risk. A lower risk, but a risk to be sure. Moreover, if unvaccinated people get massive amounts of COVID, they fill the emergency wards. They fill the ICU units. They prevent other people from getting medical care."

And this is how Wendy paraphrases Dershowitz' statements:

As an 83 year old, I avoid large crowds. I wear a mask. I'm concerned.

Note she leaves out all the stuff about COVID victims clogging up hospitals and how they "prevent other people from getting medical care."

Wendy goes on, addressing Dershowitz personally:

If you want to live with that fear, that is your choice. But your choice to live that way does not become my obligation to assuage your fear.

Um, Wendy? You're Catholic, right? I mean you posted on your own FB page that your son graduated from Central Catholic High School, right? And that school's mission is:

Central Catholic High School, a college preparatory school for boys, is guided by the educational principles of St. John Baptist de La Salle.

The school strives to provide a challenging, relevant, and diverse program of studies and extracurricular activities in an environment that fosters a life of faith and learning and develops leaders rooted in the Gospel values of integrity, respect, service, justice, and peace.

So, Wendy, what part of The Pope's call that "Getting vaccinated is a simple yet profound way to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable" intersects with your addressing a concerned 83 year old man's concerns about getting sick with what amounts to: 

If you're afraid of getting sick, it's not my concern to do anything to fix that.

Heartless, Wendy. Heartless Wendy Bell.

The Angel of Death.