September 17, 2021

Wendy Bell (Willfully?) Forgets Her Own History

I'm still working on a larger blog post regarding Wendy's FB defense of Ivermectin yesterday. Maybe tomorrow. Note to Wendy (or Brock, who I'm pretty sure reads this blog): Look up what the word "crore" means in India. Then check the number of "crore" that have been vaccinated in that country. Then check to see what the Indian government says about that number.

That's what I'm doing right now. See you tomorrow.

However, let me bring to the light something she said about 37 minutes in. At that point, she's ranting about how people who try to give out information that the MSM does like are mistreated. She says:

People who give that information see their livelihoods ruined. They're fired. They're doxxed.

Oh my God! Doxxed? They're DOXXED?

Ok, I'm going to stop right there.

First, I'm wondering how much Wendy sees herself among those "people" who're fired, have their livelihoods ruined and so on.

Second, I'm wondering if Wendy Bell even remembers when she doxxed someone.

I remember it like it was only 253 days ago. This is what I wrote wa-a-a-ay back then:

Here's the story. Wendy Bell has sponsors and an otherwise concerned citizen called one of those sponsors, in this case a company called "Sierra Experts" (who can be reached at at 412 379-8333, by the way) and left this message:

Hello, I'm calling on behalf of a number of people who are going to start boycotting anyone who sponsors Wendy Bell. Um, we didn't know about Sierra Experts but the fact that you do sponsor Wendy Bell, who is full of hate speech and actually helped incite the riots at the Capitol yesterday, puts you on a bad list that a lot of people are going to avoid. We are going to do our level best to educate people about that. Please remove yourself from sponsoring Wendy Bell. She is full of hate speech and she is part of the reason violence was incited at the Capitol yesterday. Thank you.
And so what did the freedom loving common sense conservatives at Sierra Experts do with this voice mail?

Wendy Bell herself explained on the now-blocked facebook video:

That woman left, what she thought was an anonymous phone call at my advertisers. Well, my advertisers are really smart people. And they don't like it when people they don't know, who aren't customers of theirs, try to browbeat them into submission to join "Joe Biden's America." So one of my advertisers managed to unravel the no-caller ID private line blocked number and I got to see the number. 

So my team did a reverse search, found out who the woman was, did some digging, found some audio of her, did a cross reference check of the audio. You gotta make sure who you're talking about if you're gonna go on and say, "This is what's going on here."

Wendy Bell found a picture of the woman and showed it to her vast adoring audience. On her BS board, she'd written the woman's name, phone number, work place and, according to my buddy Jon, coiner of the term "Radio Karen," told her listeners to harass the woman who called Sierra Experts (who, by the way, can be reached at 412 378-8333).

Did you forget all this, Wendy?