December 1, 2021

Another Prominent Anti-Vaxxer Dies Of Covid, Wendy - Have You Seen The News?

From The Washington Post:

Marcus Lamb, founder of the large Christian network Daystar, died Tuesday after contracting the coronavirus. Lamb’s network during the pandemic has made the virus a huge focus, calling it a satanic attack that should not be treated with vaccines. He was 64 years old.

I'm not sure if you've ever called it "a satanic attack" but the outcome is the same: an anti-vaccine broadcaster dies of Covid-19.

Just like Dick Farrel.

Just like Nick Bernier.

Just like Phil Valentine.

Just like Bob Enyart.

And then there's this, Wendy, from KDKA:

An 11-year Allegheny County employee is prepared to get fired for defying the county’s COVID-19 vaccination rules.

Shane Chesher from Natrona Heights tried to get an exemption from getting the COVID-19 vaccine, though his request was denied. He said he loves his job and worked through the pandemic but said this is a fight about choice.

Is he a listener of yours? I couldn't tell from a swift perusal of his Facebook page

But he does seem to be hitting all of the right Wendy-notes:

“The number one reason I’m doing this is for medical freedom, for you to have the right to choose and for me to have the right to choose,” Chesher said. “No employer, no Rich Fitzgerald, no dictator should be telling me what to do with my body.”

I'm curious, now, to know what he thinks of the Roe v Wade but that's a different argument, isn't it?

Allegheny County, on the other hand, said that:

...granting [the exemption] would impair workplace safety, impair the safety of members of the public with whom you interact, cause co-workers to perform your share of duties, infringe on other employees' job rights or benefits, and/or reduce overall workplace efficiency among other factors.
But all that's OK to do in order to protect Chesher's cherished personal freedoms, right?

He's also putting his own life and health at risk, isn't he? As well as that of his family and friends and everyone around him who's also not vaccinated.

Is he a listener of yours, Wendy? Is he following any of your "advice" about the vaccines, Wendy?

How much of a danger to the public is that "advice" do you think?