December 9, 2021

GOP Misinformation Is Putting Pennsylvania Republicans At Risk

Hey, remember yesterday

That was the blogpost where I showed some data supporting this from Chris Cillizza:

Our political divisions have created two entirely different Americas: One in which the vast majority of people are vaccinated and hospitalizations and deaths are low, and the other where the coronavirus continues to ravage the population.

Well, I found some more data to bolster that conclusion at NPR:

Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden. That's according to a new analysis by NPR that examines how political polarization and misinformation are driving a significant share of the deaths in the pandemic.

Embedded in that piece is a place where you can search any county in the county to show that county's election result and how it correlates to our current Covid realities.

For example:

Allegheny County:

39% voted for Trump

68% Vaccination rate (1 pt higher than national average)

47 Deaths per 100k (14 deaths lower than national average)

Now lets look at some of the Trump counties surrounding Allegheny.

Washington County:

61% voted for Trump

64% Vaccination rate (3 pt lower than national average)

67 Deaths per 100k (6 deaths higher than national average)

Fayette County:

66% voted for Trump

61% Vaccination rate (6 pt lower than national average)

120 Deaths per 100k (59 deaths higher than national average)

 Greene County:

71% voted for Trump

61% Vaccination rate (15 pt lower than national average)

72 Deaths per 100k (11 deaths higher than national average)

Westmoreland County:

64% voted for Trump

59% Vaccination rate (7 pt lower than national average)

66 Deaths per 100k (5 deaths higher than national average)

Beaver County:

58% voted for Trump

53% Vaccination rate (14 pt lower than national average)

87 Deaths per 100k (26 deaths higher than national average)

Butler County: 

66% voted for Trump

68% Vaccination rate (1 pt lower than national average)

73 Deaths per 100k (12 deaths higher than national average)

Armstrong County:

76% voted for Trump

64% Vaccination rate (3 pt lower than national average)

148 Deaths per 100k (87 deaths higher than national average)

 Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano's district encompasses all of Adams County.

Adams County:

66% voted for Trump

68% Vaccination rate (1 pt lower than national average)

73 Deaths per 100k (12 deaths higher than national average)

Again, Congratulations are due to Wendy Bell and Doug Mastriano!

Your Covid misinformation is putting members of your party at risk and more people per capita are dying because of it.

Do you still think you're pro-life?