December 8, 2021

While Wendy (Bell) and Doug (Mastriano) Protest Vaccinations, Reality Shows Us A Different Picture

We'll start here:

A few tweet responses down and we get to here

The author has been tracking Covid cases/deaths as they are distributed according to the 2020 election. Things are shifting (as always) but the point I want to make is, I would think, clear.

A few telling passages (all bolding in original):

  • The ratio of case rates has started to drop; new cases are now running 2.71x higher per capita in the reddest tenth of the country than the bluest tenth, down from 3.0x higher five weeks ago. 
  • The ratio of death rates has also begun to shrink, with the rate in the reddest tenth now 5.54x higher than in the bluest tenth, down from 6.0x higher five weeks ago. 
  • [C]ase rates since June are 2.16x higher in the least-vaccinated tenth of the country than in the most-vaccinated tenth...slightly lower than a few weeks ago.
  • Death rates in the least-vaxxed tenth are 4.35x higher than in the most-vaxxed tenth,

Feel free to peruse the article. There's charts and everything!

Like this one:

As Chris Cilizza of CNN points out:

The 12 states with the highest case rate for every 100,000 people are all run by Republican governors. The 13 states with the highest hospitalization rate per 100,000 residents are all run by Republican governors. The 15 states with the highest percentage of deaths per 100,000 are all run by Republican governors.
This isn't complicated. We are not just divided along political lines now. Our political divisions have created two entirely different Americas: One in which the vast majority of people are vaccinated and hospitalizations and deaths are low, and the other where the coronavirus continues to ravage the population.

Congratulations are due to Wendy Bell and Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano (among many many others): The more you push people away from the vaccines and more of them will get sick and some of those will (it is very sad to say this) die.

And you're doing it to your own political party.
