January 12, 2022

Wendy Bell Is Getting The UK Numbers Wrong! Again!

Take a look at her latest BullShit Board:

First off, take a look at Wendy's sources:

  • Infowars
  • Daily Expose

The first is the online latrine of Alex Jones. This is the same Alex Jones who had to apologize for pushing the QAnon-linked Pizzagate story. This is the same Alex Jones from this story in the NYTimes:

A state court in Connecticut granted a sweeping victory to the families of eight people killed in a 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., who had sued the far-right broadcaster and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars media outlet for defamation.

The judge ruled on Monday that because Mr. Jones had refused to turn over documents ordered by the courts, including financial records, he was liable by default. The decision, combined with previous rulings in Texas in late September, means Mr. Jones has lost all the defamation lawsuits filed against him by the families of 10 victims.

This is how the factcheckers at Logically.ai view the Daily Expose:

The Daily Expose is a U.K.-focused conspiracy site created in November of last year, and since its establishment, it has promoted a standard portfolio of COVID-denialist, anti-vaxxer, and Great Reset myths framed as breaking news.


Unusually for a conspiracy site, The Daily Expose produces original content several times per day, rather than resharing memes or articles from elsewhere. On its “about” page, it claims to use only official documents from government or scientific sources to write its stories. The writers often distort or misinterpret the information within the snapshots of the documents they use to push a number of conspiratorial narratives. For instance, The Daily Expose has claimed that vaccines were approved without any sort of safety checks and that vaccines are causing mass death. 

These are Wendy Bell's sources for this medical information.  Wendy, you were once an award winning journalist, right? Don't they teach, somewhere in Journalism school, about assessing the credibility of your sources? 

Did you forget all that or just decide it wasn't for you?

Maybe you did and for you Inforwars is credible. How did Sandy Hook turn out for Alex?

In any event, this is not the first time Wendy's played fast and loose with the UK fatality numbers.

Only 7 weeks or so ago Wendy danced this same denialist dance.

The story wasn't true then and it isn't true now - for the same reason.

I even linked back then to a page explaining your error, Wendy. Did you see it? Did you even bother to do any real research on this?

I suppose not.

So why then, Wendy Bell, are you pushing medical misinformation as if it's accurate?

By convincing people that the vaccines aren't safe, aren't effective, you're putting their lives at risk. It's as simple as that, Wendy (and Brock - you're just as guilty).

On the other hand, I'm wondering if you saw this this in The Washington Post:

In a sweeping speech on the pandemic and other global issues, Pope Francis on Monday called for widespread vaccination in all countries and suggested the global coronavirus response was being complicated by “baseless information or poorly documented facts.”

“Vaccines are not a magical means of healing,” Francis said, directly addressing vaccine hesitancy as the omicron variant surges. “Yet surely they represent, in addition to other treatments that need to be developed, the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the disease.”

Countries that have widely used vaccines, the pope noted, have seen a reduction in severe cases.

“It is therefore important to continue the effort to immunize the general population as much as possible,” Francis said.

Yea, I suppose not.

Wendy Bell, the Angel of Death.