February 8, 2022

PA State Senator Mastriano Fans Facing Justice For 1/6!

Saw this in the news today:

A U.S. Navy Veteran who earned a Purple Heart in Vietnam was ordered to pay a fine Thursday for taking part in the Capitol riot last year.

William Blauser, 75, of Pennsylvania, appeared before U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden for sentencing. He pleaded guilty in November to one misdemeanor count of parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.

According to the Justice Department, Blauser traveled to D.C. with several friends, including one, Pauline Bauer, who would eventually be charged alongside him.

You can read the DOJ's "Statement of Facts" here.

Later in the reporting, there's this:

Blauser said he intended to visit the Vietnam War Memorial and then “see our senator speak.” Neither of Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senators spoke at the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally, but state Sen. Doug Mastriano was at the rally and took part in the march to the Capitol. Blauser’s co-defendant, Bauer, can be seen in photographs from Jan. 6 wearing a Mastriano shirt. He has not been charged in connection with the riot and has denied breaking any laws.

The same reporting has this on Blauer's friend Pauline:

Blauser’s co-defendant, Bauer, has not pleaded guilty in the case. She faces a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding. According to charging documents, Bauer can be heard on videos from the riot yelling at police: “Bring them out. We want them out here… You bring them out or we’re coming in. Bring them out now. They need to hang. Bring her out. Bring Nancy Pelosi out here now. We want to hang that f***ing b****. Bring her out. We’re coming in if you don’t bring her out.”

I think you can figure out what "f***ing b****" means.

And she was wearing a Mastriano shirt.

And from Blauser's "Statement of Office" document from the DOJ we read:

WILLIAM BLAUSER was carrying a large over sized sign that read “Walk as Free People” and standing close to Pauline Bauer as she screamed “bring them out, they’re criminals . . .they need to hang.” (p. 4)

Which just happens to be a campaign slogan of Mastriano's:

Any comment, Senator?

They're your fans/supporters, aren't they?