February 9, 2022

Wendy Bell's BS Boards Have RETURNED (SPOILERS: She's Still Lying)

After a long and listless hiatus, Wendy Bell's Bullshit Board has returned.

And yesterday's was a doozy:

Yes, Wendy. We know you've been lying. And despite your many many local awards for journalism, you've long since left that discipline and so now America will never trust you again.

Wendy's working off of Attorney Tom Renz here and in the event you were curious as to who he is, The Washington Post has him profiled:

In one of dozens of recent media appearances, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz was claiming that coronavirus vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself. “The people that are dying are vaccinated,” he said on a conservative online talk show in July.

As Renz spoke, a message flashed across the screen with his website address. “Donate to his cause,” it urged.

There's also stuff about how/why he was fired from a previous job (something he denies).

BTW, he's completely wrong about the vaccine status of who's dying. As I posted a few weeks ago:

The science shows that you're far more likely to get sick and die if you're unvaccinated. Those are the facts. Facts are stubborn things. Facts don't care about your feelings. Science is true even if you don't believe in it.

Anyway, Wendy leaves out some important stuff here - like how the numbers have already been explained - which is a kind of a big deal, if you ask me.


U.S. military members experienced concerning spikes in miscarriages, cancer and other serious health issues in 2021, according to an Instagram post that grabbed attention with a big red "SOS" image attached.

The Jan. 28 post referenced the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, or DMED, saying, "there has been a 300% increase in DMED codes registered for miscarriages in the military in 2021 over the five-year average." The five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year, the post said, and there were 4,182 such codes for the first 10 months of 2021. There was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses and a 1,000% increase in neurological issues, the post says.

But these figures are wrong. They resulted from a glitch in the database, a military spokesperson said.

Lead Stories

Did Department of Defense (DOD) "whistleblowers" reveal what a headline claims were "mind-blowing COVID-19 vaccine injury numbers"? Yes, they did, but their figures were based on a comparison with what the Pentagon says were under-reported medical data from years preceding COVID-19 vaccines. A Pentagon spokesperson says the data has been taken "offline to identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption."

A January 24, 2022, panel discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin exposed some attention-grabbing figures on miscarriages, cancer and neurological issues that were attributed to the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) and brought to the attention of attorney Thomas Renz by three military physicians, whom he identified as whistleblowers. Because the numbers from preceding years were, according to the Pentagon, under-reported, their comparison to 2021 appeared to be exaggerated.

Wendy Bell (and her trusty side-kick Brock) failed to do their due diligence on this story. And now they look foolish as a result.

Because yet again, their BS board has turned out to be, well, bullshit.

And the more they push people away from the vaccines, the greater the chances those people will get sick and die.

This is the legacy of The Angel of Death and her trusty sidekick assistant Brock.