February 10, 2022

Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Whines To Wendy Bell About Facebook Unfairness

But he doesn't get the irony of his situation.

Take a look at this from The Philadelphia Inquirer:

Just to be clear, Mastriano spent a day on Facebook whining like a little baby about how Facebook is censuring him.

This Facebook:

In April 2019, Facebook was preparing to ban one of the internet’s most notorious spreaders of misinformation and hate, Infowars founder Alex Jones. Then CEO Mark Zuckerberg personally intervened.

Jones had gained infamy for claiming that the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school massacre was a “giant hoax,” and that the teenage survivors of the 2018 Parkland shooting were “crisis actors.” But Facebook had found that he was also relentlessly spreading hate against various groups, including Muslims and trans people. That behavior qualified him for expulsion from the social network under the company's policies for "dangerous individuals and organizations," which required Facebook to also remove any content that expressed “praise or support” for them.

But Zuckerberg didn’t consider the Infowars founder to be a hate figure, according to a person familiar with the decision, so he overruled his own internal experts and opened a gaping loophole: Facebook would permanently ban Jones and his company — but would not touch posts of praise and support for them from other Facebook users. This meant that Jones’ legions of followers could continue to share his lies across the world’s largest social network.

"Mark personally didn’t like the punishment, so he changed the rules,” a former policy employee told BuzzFeed News, noting that the original rule had already been in use and represented the product of untold hours of work between multiple teams and experts.

So yea, I am so sure that Facebook is screwing with Doug Mastriano.

Anyway, Chris Brennen sums things up at The Inky:

Mastriano on Tuesday called in to Wendy Bell Radio — which is streamed to 304,000 Facebook followers — complaining that the company sent him a message that he was posting too much information from his personal page. He said Facebook then suggested he had been hacked and locked his account.

Never one to pass by a conspiracy theory, Mastriano chalked this up to a “brilliant” scheme to censor him. His proof? The Facebook page he uses for Senate posts, with 203,000 followers, and the page he uses for his campaign, with 98,000 followers, still work just fine.

Mastriano, who made the same claims Tuesday in a video on his Facebook campaign page, suggested the company restricted access to the page where he has the fewest followers because it would draw too much attention to shut down his bigger pages.

Oh my God, Zuckerberg is so wicked smaht to snag Doug Mastriano that way!

So smaht!

There's more:

Mastriano, who did not respond to Clout’s hails, also told Bell he runs 67 other Facebook pages, one for each county in the state, for his campaign. They’re all up and running.

To sum up: Mastriano runs 70 Facebook pages. One of them experienced some sort of issue this week. So the company must be out to get him.

Now that part's interesting as it verifies Erin Gallagher's deep dive in November 2020 into Doug's Facebook army.

So yea, Doug. Facebook is censuring you.

What a WATB.

BTW, Doug. How's that legal defense going, Doug? Are your lawyers working on a response for you when/if you get called to testify in front of Congress about your part in Trump's attempted coup?

If they aren't, shouldn't they be?