April 7, 2022

Wendy Bell's Sponsors Must Be So Proud Of Her!

We'll start, as is tradition, with yesterday's BS Board:

As you can see, Wendy's Bullshit board is sponsored by Ireland Contracting (MOTTO: Ireland Contracting, come for the quality home remodeling, stay for the dangerous life-threatening medical misinformation!).

And Wendy immediately gives away the store with her habit of giving very specific numbers to "prove" her point.

It leads directly to an easy debunking.

Like this one.

(Trigger warning for Wendy and her lil buddy Brock: Now, I'm going to show you some fact-checking. I know you find these very scary and if it upsets you too much just remember that facts don't care about your feelings and so you should just get over it.)

Factcheck has a good intro:

A flurry of articles and videos online are now misinterpreting a Pfizer document released by the FDA as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. The posts incorrectly claim that it shows the vaccine is unsafe and is evidence that this was hidden from the public.

They published this on March 18 so Wendy & Co. are only about two and a half weeks late. Did they miss this while researching this issue? Took me about 30 seconds to find it.

Anyway, Factcheck explains what Wendy failed to tell her adorings:

The document is an analysis of adverse events, or health issues reported following vaccination, regardless of whether they were caused by the vaccine. Tracking of such events is useful for companies and regulators to identify possible safety signals, particularly of rare events that would not have been possible to detect in clinical trials. [Emphasis added.]

And if you don't like Factcheck, how about the Australian AP:

Table 1 (page 7) of the report records 1223 fatalities reported as adverse events during that period. While there is fresh impetus among anti-vaccine groups following the release of the Pfizer documents, such as here, claims about the 1223 figure were first fact-checked in December 2021 following the initial release of documents by the FDA, such as here and here. Those checks point out that nowhere in the Pfizer report does it say the 1223 deaths were linked to the vaccine.

Jacques Raubenheimer a senior research fellow in biostatistics at University of Sydney who has written on vaccine misinformation and data misinterpretation, makes the same point. He told AAP FactCheck it was important to heed the report’s warning that an accumulation of adverse event reports did not necessarily indicate that a particular adverse event was caused by the drug.

Which leads to something else Wendy's crack team of researchers (is this you, Brock? You really need to do better, my friend) missed from the Pfizer report:

An accumulation of adverse event reports (AERs) does not necessarily indicate that a particular AE was caused by the drug; rather, the event may be due to an underlying disease or some other factor(s) such as past medical history or concomitant medication. (p 6)

Back to the AAP:

Professor Nigel McMillan, the director of the Infectious Diseases and Immunology Program at Griffith University Queensland, said the claim of 1223 deaths related to the vaccine’s first three month rollout was a common misuse of information.

“In any group of people we see deaths from all sorts of things like heart attacks and cancer (450 a day in Australia actually) and some of these people might have been vaccinated in the last month or so. It doesn’t mean those people died because of the vaccine. In Australia, regulator investigation have resulted in 12 vaccine-attributed deaths from 50 million doses given,” Prof McMillan said.

Or, if you're looking for something closer, how's'bout this from France:

Online articles shared on social media claim a document released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed more than 1,200 deaths related to Pfizer-BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine in a 90-day period. But the pharmaceutical giant says the document does not indicate the fatalities are linked to vaccination, and it concludes the shots are safe -- a finding supported by US health authorities as well as clinical research.

The document cited in the articles contains nothing to indicate the vaccine was linked to deaths. The figure of 1,223 fatalities among 158,893 adverse effects reflect "spontaneous" reports from sources that include health officials in several countries, without any verification of the cause, among the millions of vaccinated people worldwide during that period, Pfizer spokeswoman Dervila Keane told AFP.

It does not indicate specific causes of death, and the fatalities may include people with "various illnesses" such as cancer or cardiovascular disease, she said.

Are you getting this, Wendy? Your entire BS board was, well, bullshit.

You're still pushing people away from the vaccines (which work) and you're still putting their lives at risk.

You're making them less safe, Wendy. You are.

Wendy Bell, The Angel of Death. 

PS Note to Wendy: You want me on your show? I have nothing more to say than what's in these blogposts. You want me on, read the blog post to your adorings.