April 8, 2022

What Is Rose Tennent Doing BACK ON KDKA??

We've got plague, we've got war, we've got ignorance tumors metastasizing across a once great political party and now this:

Before I dive into that caldron of GOP family values that is Ted Nugent, let me just ask? 

Why on Earth would KDKA hire Rose Tennent?

But first, The Nuge.

For this family values sort of guy, the Dallas Morning News has this:

In a 1998 documentary on VH1 Behind the Music, Nugent admitted having affairs with several underage girls. "I was addicted to girls. It was hopeless. It was beautiful," he said.

He also said he had worked to charm their parents.

“I got the stamp of approval of their parents,” Nugent said on the video. “I guess they figured better Ted Nugent than some drug-infested punk in high school.”

And then there's this from Politico

“I was a wang-dang addict, I was addicted to girls. Addicted. It was hopeless,” he said in the video. “It was beautiful.”

By age 21, he had two children from two different women. By 30, after being married, having more kids and getting divorced, he was involved with a 17-year-old, for whom he assumed the mantle — with her parents’ permission — of legal guardian.

“It just really wasn’t a terribly appropriate situation in most people’s eyes,” said Pele Massa in the documentary, who said in the film that at 17 she became romantically involved with Nugent and was with him for nine years, though he wasn’t faithful to her during that period, she said. “And now, it would be criminal.”

Ted Nugent, family values crusader. (To be fair, he was never charged with any crime in his wang-dang addictions.)

Oh, one more thing. There's this from Rolling Stone:

Ted Nugent has apologized for referring to President Barack Obama as a “subhuman mongrel” last month. He did not, however, offer contrition to Obama. “I do apologize – not necessarily to the President – but on behalf of much better men than myself,” he said to radio host Ben Ferguson, according to CNN.  

I may not know much but I'm thinking calling any African-American a "subhuman mongrel" is pretty darn racist. And look at that "apology" for a second. Ted doesn't apologize to President Obama - just "on behalf of much better men" than Ted - which would be, uh, everyone else?

Does Dr Oz really want Ted Nugent's endorsement?

OF COURSE HE DOES! This is Donald Trump's GOP, where racism, sexism, and cruelty are exactly the point.

Now onto Rose Tennent.

Does KDKA know that Rose Tennent was at The Capitol on January 6?

Take a look at this from the NYTimes:

Then [Sean Hannity] took a call from an empathetic pro-Trump activist and regular guest, Rose Tennent, who was standing outside the Capitol as the situation escalated. “At some point, people break,” Ms. Tennent said, offering not a single harsh word about the violent protesters who had overtaken the Capitol Police.

“This is the hill they want to die on. This is a battle that is just as important to them as the Revolutionary War was,” she said, adding that these lawless demonstrators weren’t entirely to blame for their actions. “If you ask me, the Democrats and the media are responsible for this.”

Here's an interesting question for KDKA: Why was Rose Tennent there in the first place?

Take a look at this archived page from the now-defunct Wildprotest.com website. It lists the "Invited Speakers and Featured Guests" at the rally before Trump's attempted coup. Scroll down to see Rose's picture.

Presumably she was invited because of her involvement (as a member of the Advisory Council) for a group called "Moms for America" - one of the participants of the rally:

As of this writing, she's still on the council. Does KDKA know this?

What supercharges this association is the fact that the leader of Moms for America, Kimberly Fletcher, has been subpoenaed by the January 6 Committee. What does Rose Tennent think about that? Did anyone at KDKA ask her?

Of course what did she talk about when she sat in for Larry Richart on KDKA? It was her "gotcha" question, "What is a woman?"

Does KDKA know of Rose's involvement with the rally that preceded Trump's attempted coup? Have they discussed her birtherism when she was the "Rose" of Quinn and Rose? How about how she suggested that President Obama is the devil?

KDKA: Did you know any of this? If you did, why put her on the air?

If not, why the hell not?