July 12, 2022

And These Are REPUBLICANS Saying This About Doug!

While we're all waiting on today's installment of The Trump Hearings, I thought I'd bring to your attention something I saw in The NYTimes:

Prominent conservatives who worked to oust Donald Trump in 2020 are back — with a plan to spend at least $10 million to defeat candidates who embraced the former president’s conspiracy theories about that election.

The group of conservatives, the Republican Accountability PAC, has identified G.O.P. candidates whose extreme views its leaders deem dangerous to the future of American democracy.

In 14 races across six key swing states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — the group has decided to throw its weight behind those candidates’ Democratic opponents.

You saw "Pennsylvania" on that list, right? So you know where this is going, right?

It's going right here:

Elsewhere, the group expects to focus on portraying Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, as well outside the mainstream of G.O.P. politics.

So, yea. Welcome aboard! Good to see you.

The PAC resides here and from its About Us page we can learn how they see themselves:

The Republican Accountability PAC (RAPAC) is run by Republicans, former Republicans, and conservatives who are fighting back against Donald Trump’s takeover of the GOP. We stand against any candidate who downplays the January 6 insurrection, lies about the 2020 election, or threatens our democracy.

RAPAC wants to elect responsible people who are not going to tell lies, spread conspiracy theories, or undermine our institutions. We will seek to hold today’s GOP accountable and defeat candidates at all levels of government that choose loyalty to Trump over their duty to the country.

So it's only natural that they'll eventually set their sights in PA State Senator (and now GOP candidate for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano.

Oops, my mistake! They've already started:

Feel free to peruse the rest of the page and see what some Republicans (and former Republicans) are saying about Doug.

Things like:

Doug Mastriano is a radical conspiracy theorist and serial liar.
We can’t let him anywhere near the governor's office.

And in the event you want to hear the oldies, there's always The Lincoln Project:

I wonder if Doug Mastriano knows about the Republican Accountability PAC. And if so, does he care?