July 13, 2022

Nope. Sorry. Doug Mastriano Is NOT A Patriot.

There's a minor kerfuffle on the other side of the state regarding The Return of the American Patriot: The Rise of Pennsylvania, presumably a documentary in the Dinesh D'Souza epistemological school of right wing thinking.

Steve Turley, the producer of said documentary, went all WITB, complaining about "woke mobs" and "cancel culture" when not one but two venues cancelled the premiere of the movie.

Aw. Poor guy. Were his feelings hurt?

Of course the Alpha males (and females) supporting the movie cried out to deaf heaven about censorship.

Too bad they don't seem to understand what The First Amendment protects us from.

From Fox43:

“The movie theater is not a government agency, and the first amendment provides people the right to be free from restrictions on their speech when  those restrictions are imposed by the government," said Michael Dimino, a law professor at the Widener University Commonwealth Law School. "But the First Amendment provides no right to be free from restrictions imposed by private people or companies, including movie theaters, including employers and including each one of us."

But I don't want to take about this "documentary" as much as I want to talk about it's title. 

Obviously the "American Patriot" in the title is State Sen (and now GOP Candidate for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano.

And that's where they're wrong.

Doug Mastriano is not a patriot.

A patriot would not participate in a scheme to stop the constitutionally defined peaceful transfer of power in order to help the candidate who lost.

A patriot would not spread misinformation about the security and integrity of the voting system as part of that scheme.

A patriot would not betray his oath of office to "obey and defend" the US Constitution and then seek to undermine one of it's most basic foundations: free and fair elections.

I have no idea what's in that movie but I do know that Doug Mastriano, ladies and gentlemen is not a patriot.