July 20, 2022

Here He Goes Again: Doug Mastriano Taking Credit For Something HIS PARTY OPPOSED

While we all know that PA State Senator (and now GOP Cand. for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano has been trying to send some of his more extreme videos down the memory hole, he's also been up to some old tricks.

For example, last March Doug was touting a plan to fund a "Law Enforcement Recovery Grant Program" with moneys allocated by the American Rescue Plan.

The only thing that Doug left out of this press release was that the entire GOP in the Congress voted against the American Rescue Plan.

Those funds would not exist if his party got its way in DC.

Political hypocrisy at its best.

Well, Doug is at it again.

On July 15, Mastriano's office released this:

Pennsylvania seniors and individuals living with disabilities will receive a supplemental property tax or rent rebate this year as part of the 2022-23 General Fund Budget, Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) said.

“As record-breaking inflation continues on an upward trajectory with no end in sight, it’s vital we support residents who live on fixed incomes and are most vulnerable to the unsustainable pressure of skyrocketing costs,” Mastriano said. “I’m grateful that my proposal to enhance the annual rebates seniors and adults with disabilities receive was prioritized in this year’s spending plan and I hope it can provide some relief to these communities as we navigate this growing economic crisis.”

The state will use $140 million from the American Rescue Plan Act stimulus to pay households supplemental rebates worth 70% of the amount received in 2021. On average, eligible participants receive a $475 rebate each year, with more than $7.3 billion awarded to senior citizens and disabled adults since 1971. [Emphasis added.]

(Note to Doug: Don't worry, I have a screen capture of the page. That's in case you decide to send this down the memory hole as well.)

And, as I stated above, the entire GOP in Congress voted against the American Rescue Plan

From The NYTimes:

Congress gave final approval on Wednesday to President Biden’s sweeping, nearly $1.9 trillion stimulus package, as Democrats acted over unified Republican opposition to push through an emergency pandemic aid plan that carries out a vast expansion of the country’s social safety net.

But this is also not unique to Doug.

Take a look at this from May:

Every Republican in Congress voted against the sweeping pandemic relief bill that President Joe Biden signed into law three months ago. But since the early spring votes, Republicans from New York and Indiana to Texas and Washington state have promoted elements of the legislation they fought to defeat.

And now State  Senators from Pennsylvania.