Democracy Has Prevailed.

December 11, 2005

We wish Dennis Roddy Well

Dennis Roddy, P-G columnist, was involved in a bus accident a few days ago. He writes about it here. The column begins:
Her name is Debbie. She's a legal secretary. Whether she will be one again, I do not know. She has broken ribs, a battered skull and, if God is merciful, no memory of 6:51 a.m. Monday at the corner of Stanwix and the Boulevard of the Allies.

I'd caught the early 36A out of Mt. Lebanon while it was still dark, so I could stop at the Theater Square box office to get tickets for "Wicked." I was in a rear seat, just behind the back door, when I heard, in succession, a thump, some screams and the sound my face makes when it hits a metal-and-plexiglass partition. My next memory is ankles turning into legs turning into the faces of the strangers who raised me from the floor. I wondered if my left eye had gone blind. It was clouded by blood.
I know I speak for the Other Political Junkie in saying that we wish them both good health and a fast recovery.

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