October 1, 2009

How they got here

1. I couldn't figure out why this old post from three years ago

‘Katrina Kids’ Sing ‘Congress, Bush and FEMA…Have Come to Rebuild Us’ at White House Egg Roll

was getting so many hits the last few days until I started seeing this story on a few blogs.

I still like the poster:

(Click on image for larger version)

(Keyword searchs: "katrina kids sing to laura bush" "katrina kids with laura bush" "katrina kids sing about bush")

2. I couldn't be prouder that when folks google image "Michele Bachmann" this

is the third image that comes up. It's from the post:

Michele Bachmann prepares to make her next pronouncement

3. Actually I could be prouder because when you google "ron paul sucks" the first two results are:

Ron Paul Sucks (in a really racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic way)!


Ron Paul Sucks

Better still, I love the way that Paulites google "Ron Paul Sucks" to TROLL the Internet looking for a fight and end up yelling at me for something that I posted TWO YEARS AGO (and only read the comments there every six months or so). Keep those hits coming!


1 comment:

  1. Nixon, too:

