August 30, 2021

Robert David Steele, Anti-vaxxer, Dead of Covid (A Message To Wendy Bell)

This is not a gloat. I am not gloating. 

This is serious and this is sad. A man has died due to his own stubborn stupidity (or stupid stubbornness - you decide).

One of many conservative pundits recently, it seems.

About 3 weeks ago it was Dick Farrel. Newsweek's coverage of him began with this:

A Florida radio host who was vehemently outspoken about vaccinations died from COVID-19 complications on Friday.

More recently, it was another Florida radio host, Nick Bernier:

Another anti-vaccine conservative radio host has died due to complications from COVID-19. Marc Bernier, who hosted a radio show in Daytona Beach, Florida, passed away Saturday at the age of 65. “It’s with great sadness that WNDB and Southern Stone Communications announce the passing of Marc Bernier, who informed and entertained listeners on WNDB for over 30 years,” read a tweet from Bernier’s affiliate radio station. “We kindly ask that privacy is given to Marc’s family during this time of grief.” Bernier was publicly against the COVID-19 vaccine, comparing the U.S. government to Nazis for urging people to get vaccinated.

And now, Wendy, someone you have probably met - Robert David Steele.

Remember that rally up in Beaver County that you attended/spoke at? That was run by Robert David Steele. He even posted a video of your speech. Remember now?

August 17, he posted this on his blog:

With love to all of you, I survived!  I went in at 77 oxygenation.  I’m up to 94.  I will not take the vaccination, though I did test positive for whatever they’re calling “COVID” today, but the bottom line is that my lungs are not functioning.

The good news is that I will survive with a few days off.  I should be back up and at least functional soon.  This is been a near death experience, very much like a new death experience the whole country is going through right now.  We will never be the same because now we know that we’ve all been lied to about everything.  But,  now we also know that we can trust each other.  I’m alive today because I had a network that put me into a good hospital in Florida.

Still in COVID-denial but also very very sick from COVID (and not "COVID").

Anyway, last night on twitter this hit:

And it was confirmed by Sherri Tenpenny, another anti-vaxxer you've had on your show. (She's the one who's since been banned from twitter after claiming the vaccine magnetizes people.)

Robert David Steele's death is why spreading anti-vaxx misinformation is so dangerous, Wendy. He probably believed it with his last painful dying breath.

Do you remember what Lisa Kellerman (who's not an MD) said at Steele's rally you attended? Let me remind you. She said this:

People are dying from this shot. They're having aneurysm, strokes, [unintelligible] HIV, autoimmune issues, blood clots, miscarriages. That's just a few. These are life threatening serious illnesses from this shot.

For the record, as far as I understand what I am reading from medical experts, none of that is actually true. No one gets HIV from the vaccine, for instance. Whatever side effects one might experience are far outweighed by the risk of contracting COVID. But Kellerman was allowed spewed it all out, unchallenged, to a very amenable crowd. After telling them another mistruth (that the vaccinated pose the read danger here), she offers this "solution":

The first thing you need to do, most important, is get some Pineneedle tea or get some pine essential oil, dilute it and rub it on your ankles and your feet. Ok? There's an ingredient in there that protects against something that may be transmitted from the shot.

How many people in the crowd heard this and thought that pine needle essential oil applied to their ankles would offer them protection from the vaccinated shedding something from the vaccine - like the virus?

How many of them got sick? How many of them are still sick now? How many will get sick thinking they're protected by the pine needle essential oil?

Robert David Steele was unvaccinated and he died of COVID-19. Same with Dick Farrel and Nick Bernier, They all preached on the dangers of the vaccine and prided themselves on being unvaccinated.

And they died of the very thing the vaccine could have protected them from.

Don't you not see a pattern here, Wendy? A cause and effect? Get the vaccine, get protected. Reject the vaccine and risk the fate of Farrel, Bernier and now Steele.

How many more of them are there who aren't prominent (or even semi-prominent) conservatives? How many are people who are just trying to live their lives and take care of their families as best they can with whatever they can scoop up on the way? Like the people who watch your program?

The more you spread vaccine misinformation to them the more you're putting them at risk, Wendy.

They're your folks, Wendy. Your fans. Your crowd. Shouldn't you be doing better by them?