August 27, 2021

Wendy Bell (The A of D) Invites And Dayvoe Responds!

Hey, you remember yesterday, right? When I posted this on this very blog, right?

You can click on that blue link OR you can just scroll down the page to see it.

Anyway, I tweeted the link to the blog post and Wendy Bell herself tweeted back!

This is what she said:

This is very interesting - she's inviting me to be on her show even though I've been blocked from commenting on her FB page. Have been for a while. What's Wendy scared of? Me giving actual factual data to her adoring public? I guess so.

In any case, we've danced this dance before, Wendy and I.

My answer to her angry invitation is the same as it was in April: 


Unlike Wendy, I have to work for a living. I can't take the time off to call-in to her basement bunker broadcast.

Furthermore, (this is from April):

But even if that weren't the case, I'd still not be on your show. Here's the reason: Your radio program is far from being a level playing field. You (and/or your producer) will control the volume and the duration I'd be on. Not only that but after I finish you'll have the rest of your program to deliver your final word on whatever I said.

And as anyone who's ever argued with any other human being ever will undoubtedly know, whoever (whomever?) gets the final word wins the argument.

If she wants to email in any correction to anything I've written, she's certainly free to do so. I'll be happy to post it here - with my corrections of her corrections of course.

But I'd like to address her tweet in some detail.

Here it is again in case you missed it 4 (or so) inches ago:

Let’s do this. I will have you on my show and you can detail my “lies.” Start jotting ALL of them down, with source material to support your case (like I provide.) Facts vs feelings. Which do you suppose will prevail?

Evidently, Wendy Bell doesn't understand how html links work. Perhaps you noticed there's more than the usual amount of blue underlined text at the top of this blog post. Those are all html links. They link this page to other webpages.

See all those links, Wendy? Those are my sources. There's no need for me to jot them down at all. They've always been there for all the world to see. Including you. But, as I infer from your tweet, you never bothered to click on any of them. Or else you would've learned what they are.

For example it's a lie (and not a "lie") whenever you misused the VAERS data to "prove" that the vaccines are dangerous. Like you did on:

There are a few more that I could list but you get the picture. What you do is to quote the VAERS numbers and let your audience infer that that number of incidents prove that the vaccines are dangerous - because those are actual government numbers and they can't be wrong, right?

All the while ignoring the disclaimer that's easily found on the VAERS page:

VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to VAERS. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

What you said is a lie, Wendy. It's what's known as a "lie of omission."

You lied earlier this month with this story: 

8/6/21 Those of us who don't lie for a living often ask - How Do They Live With Themselves? Being dirty inside and out and purposefully deceiving people is a filthy game that doesn't wash off in the shower. Jump in on today's show as we BREAK SOME NEWS with Attorney Thomas Renz (the lawyer of the CDC whistleblower who says WAY more than 45,000 Americans have died because of the j@b) AND highlight the best audio soundbites from the USA's dirtiest of dirty.

45,000 Americans have not died from "the j@b" - anyone who's looked at the medical science would know that. Perhaps Dr. Joe can explain that to you. He's vaccinated, isn't he?

Wendy, you lie every time you said something like this:

Did you guys hear it? Shouted across the world yesterday that the CDC says that 94% of people who we think died of COVID did not die from COVID but died and happened to have it at the same time.

As you did on September 2, 2020. It's simply not true. Perhaps Dr. Joe can explain that to you, too.

Then there's this from last April when you listed on the BS board 7 completely untrue things about the vaccine that convinced you to not get it. Perhaps Dr. Joe can explain why you're wrong. Again, he's vaccinated, right?

And this is just me sifting through this blog for about 40 minutes. Do you really want me to jot down the evidence for every time you lied for us to discuss on your show?

There aren't enough minutes in a week of your bunker broadcasts to get to them all.

So, no. I'll respond here. Thank you.