December 23, 2021

When DO We Start Worrying About Wendy Bell's Mental Health?

Yes, I know. I asked this once before

But take a look at Wendy, from yesterday, doubling down on the "shoot on sight" rant that got her fired from KDKA Radio more than a year ago.

Take a look:

This is how Wendy gaslighted to her adorings:

I said, during this summer of love, when antifa and Black Lives Matter and any other ne'er-do-well wanted to join the fray, to come up to the people on the street sitting at sidewalk cafes and take their food and [drink] their drinks and force them to raise for Black Lives Matter and even kiss their feet.


Who decided to march across the United States and tear down historical statues. To deface property. To try to effortlessly rewrite our history. Who threatened to rappel down the faces of George Washington and the other presidents at Mount Rushmore and put dynamite in the eye sockets and implode the faces of  history.

And I said, all it takes is one park ranger, one person to stand up and say "Not a chance!" and use force and fight back.

Because all we saw, all summer long, was this being allowed.

Let's stop there and try to align Wendy's rant with, well, reality. This is why I worry for Wendy Bell's mental health. Her toxic politics have severely skewed her understanding of reality.

Let's start with the date of the video: It was posted on June 26, 2020.

Remember the date.

She says that her "shoot on sight" rant was in response to, in her example, BLM protestors harassing sidewalk diners.

Like what happened in Pittsburgh.

 However, this was September 5, 2020, a little more than 2 months after Wendy's rant.

And the part about the fist raising part?

That was in DC on August 24, almost exactly 2 months after Wendy's rant.

And that feet kissing part?

I couldn't find any trace of it. The only thing even close is this.

Reuters had a fact check posted a few weeks before Wendy's rant, BTW:

The author of the video, who refers to himself as “Smooth Sánchez” on his social media profiles, has publicly suggested this video was intended as “satire” and “comedy”, clearly implied in tweets (visible here: , , and ).  In one tweet  ( ) he writes that “I’m The Creator of This Vid” and, “Comedy  ..... I Was Trolling” (“trolling” is a popular term defined by Cambridge Dictionary as “the act of leaving an insulting message on the internet in order to annoy someone” ( here ). He confirmed to Reuters that he is not a member of BLM, and he was "just trolling".

Good research job, Wendy! Doesn't Brock check your homework? If you don't, you really should as your boat is hitched to hers. If you already do, you really need to do a better job of screening teh crazie.

How much does Wendy's politics skew her understanding of reality? What's the right time to worry about her mental health?

Then there's this part when she complained about how those BLM/antifa/ne'er-do-wells:

...threatened to rappel down the faces of George Washington and the other presidents at Mount Rushmore and put dynamite in the eye sockets and implode the faces of  history.

Dynamite in the eye sockets of Washington on Mt Rushmore? When did this happen?

It didn't. While there were protests that summer at Mount Rushmore, no one was threatening to rappel down his face and put dynamite in Washington's eye sockets.

In any event, the protests were during the first week of July and thus after Wendy's "shoot on sight" rant.

Is this how Wendy remembers that summer? Or, has she twisted her reality around in such a way so as to justify the event that, let's be honest, must've done a huge amount of damage to her reputation and finances.

Ego damage control?

When do we worry about the state of Wendy Bell's mental health?