Democracy Has Prevailed.

November 6, 2006

Deceptive Rethuglican robo-calls in 17 states including PA

A list of districts in 17 states where the robo-calls David posted about this morning are occuring:

CA-04 - against Charlie Brown - by (R) Doolittle - AG Bill Lockyer - LINK
CA-50 - against Francine Busby - by (R) Bilbray - AG Bill Lockyer - LINK
CT-04 - against Diane Farrell - by ???? - AG Richard Blumenthal - LINK
CT-05 - against Chris Murphy - by NRCC - AG Richard Blumenthal - LINK
FL-13 - against Christine Jennings - by NRCC - AG Charlie Crist - LINK
FL-16 - ?????
GA-08 GA-12 - ?????
IA-03 - ?????
ID-01 - against Larry Grant - by ???? - AG Lawrence Wasden - LINK
IL-06 - against Tammy Duckworth - by NRCC - LINK
IL-08 - against Melissa Bean - by NRCC - LINK LINK
KS-02 - against Nancy Boyda - by ???? - AG Phill Kline - LINK
KY-02 KY-04 - ?????
MI-07 - against Sharon Renier - by ???? - LINK - NB this is an impersonation, different M.O.
NC-11 - against Heath Shuler - by ???? - Attorney General Roy Cooper - LINK
NH-02 - against Paul Hodes - by NRCC - LINK
NY-19 - against John Hall - by NRCC - LINK LINK
NY-25 - ?????
NY-26 - ?????
PA-06 - against Lois Murphy - by NRCC - Attorney General Tom Corbett, 717-787-3391 - LINK
VA-02 - ?????
WA-05 - against Peter Goldmark - by "unknown harasser" - AG Rob McKenna - LINK
WI-08 - ?????

(h/t to Daily Kos)

NOTES: The term AG refers to that state's Attorny General. Complaints should be made to them. The links are to news articles documenting the harrassing calls.

The calls appear to be a coordinated effort by the National Republican Congressional Committee and are being carried out by Conquest Communications Group.

Republicans: they can't win on their ideas or their record so they will play any slimeball game, break any law to keep their grip on power.

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