Democracy Has Prevailed.

November 5, 2006

Rick Santorum - gets his Churchill History wrong

Take a look at this P-G article.

At the end of an article that contains this presumptive politicial post-mortem:
His leading role as a congressional opponent of abortion has won him strong supporters, including, in past elections, the vote of some socially conservative Democrats. But that high-profile stance has also generated opposition, including among some of the socially liberal Republicans in a state in which the last two Republicans elected to statewide positions, Sen. Arlen Specter, and former Gov. Tom Ridge supported abortion rights.

His identification with strong conservative positions on issues ranging from congressional intervention in the Terri Schiavo case to the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to theory of evolution added to his polarizing image with some voters.

Throughout his career, he has been an outspoken proponent of private investment as a remedy to the projected deficits of the Social Security system. The bruising battle over President Bush's failed attempt to revise the Social Security system did not help.

Mr. Santorum argues that public and media attention to some of those more polarizing positions have obscured his efforts to promote a "compassionate conservative" agenda, through leadership on issues including welfare reform and support for faith-based efforts to deal with the problems of poverty and urban decay.
But the article ends with this:
At one campaign stop last week, Mr. Santorum was asked about the Churchillian rhetoric he has used in his warnings about the nation's threats. Referring to the prime minister's rejection by British voters at the end of World War II, he said, smiling, "I hope I don't have to suffer the same fate as Churchill."
Lil Ricky should crack open a history book sometime. While Churchill's conservative party was overwhelmingly defeated just after the Second World War, he regained the position of Prime Minister in 1951.

For all his Churchillian Bluster, didn't know that?

UPDATE: I fixed the title

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