Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 6, 2007

Senator Casey on the Iraq War Funding

KDKA's Jon Delano got a chance to sit down to talk with Senator Bob Casey to talk about the Senator's first 100 days in office. The conversation (as is inevitable, I suppose, these days in DC) turned to Iraq. In the course of the conversation, Casey made these two points:
If the President vetoes a funding bill and the effect of that becomes the troops don't have funding, that's on his watch. It's not the Congress' fault.

We want to fund the troops to make sure they have the resources they need but we're not going to allow the President to dictate on his own. The American people have a right to speak and they're speaking, I think, through the voice of Congress.
Good for him. Say what you will about the Bobster, but on Iraq he's right on the money.

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