August 17, 2007

Ron Paul

For those of you who listened to David and myself on The Lynn Cullen Show today and heard perennial local candidate (and blogger) Mark Rauterkus call in the last few minutes of the show to plug Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul, the blog posts that I mentioned about Paul can be found here, here and here.

After you read them, you'll understand why I'm not a fan of Paul.


  1. Another way to find the posts about Ron Paul is to search for the F-Bombs written by Maria.

    If you were open minded I'd try to have a civil conversation to overcome the objections. But, when you have proven to be just nasty -- I'll pass.

    The conversation on the show was perfect for a Ron Paul mention for two counts: #1. There were folks who were RIGHT about the WAR before it BEGAN. Some are still getting some air-time. #2. There are folks who don't want to see the President get more and more powers. Those people are keen on constitutional powers. And, they are also keen on 'state rights' -- vs Federal rights.

    The caller from Duquesne had both of those points and they match perfectly with Ron Paul's long term stance on government.

    BTW, thanks for taking my call, the third time. I got clicked off just as I was about to go on the air twice. Third time is a charm I guess.

    Maria is all bent out of shape about something that was published in a newsletter in the 1980s. It was wrong. It was bad. It was from an editor, not the candidate. It is water under the bridge. He isn't perfect. But, Maria wants to toss the baby out with the bathwater. She'd rather stew about with a war that can't end and rights that are going away.

    I wish I could hear the DeSantis interview. Is it on a podcast?

    Finally, DeSantis should debate the Libertarian in the race because he isn't going to have much face time with the young mayor. More insights on him at my blog today.

  2. 1) The outrageously racist remarks in his newsletter were published in the 1990's, not the '80's. Hardly ancient history either way.

    2) He originally said they were being taken out of context. Only later did he claim not to have written them.

    3) My original complaints about the anti choice, anti gay, anti universal healthcare remarks were just that -- the racist stuff didn't come up until later.

    4) Speaking of "rights that are going away" Paul does not believe that the Supreme Court should decide anything based on a right to privacy. He tried to pass a bill saying that in 2005. But obviously that is to be considered ancient history too or water under the bridge instead of Stupid Libertarian Pet Tricks.

    I have not made any false statements about Ron Paul.

    I'm sorry if you think it's bad form to put his WHOLE RECORD out there instead of just the anti war stance that appeals to Liberals.

    And, finally, if you don't want to have a conversation, what the FUCK are you doing commenting on one of my posts?

    (Oh dearie, dearie me. I may have just given Mark a case of the vapors again with one of my "F-bombs." Will someone please fetch the smelling salts and a fainting couch?)

  3. I don't want to have a conversation in the middle of a 'crap trap.' Few do.

    States rights is NOT anti-choice.

    I don't want a FEDERAL universal healthcare. However, I'd love to have PA do it well. The Gov Rendell plan stinks. However, the PUSH plan has lots of merit.

    The Ron Paul message I've heard about gays in the military is much better than Clinton's 'don't ask don't tell' policy.

    In 15 years, regrets about what was written today might surface.

    I posted, in part, to find the URL for today's DeSantis interview. I only see last week's shows. That's the prime reason. But, other food for thought just flows -- no additional charge.

  4. Someone Said it before but it needs to be said again, libertarian=Greedy Anarchist

  5. I'm sure slaves didn't consider States Rights to be pro slavery either. I'm sure they only considered that argument a plea for a less intrusive Federal Government. I'm certain that if they could have voted they would have ignored their own petty self interests and voted for Jefferson Davis instead of Lincoln.

  6. Mark -

    If we ever met I'm sure we'd get along.

    That said, Libertarianism is nothing more than a temper-tantrum by a six year old.

    Please, grow up and face reality.

    David and Maria -

    Sorry I missed you on that there radio thingy!


  7. Liberals want the government to be your Mommy. Conservatives want government to be your Daddy. Libertarians want it to treat you like an adult. - Andre Marrou

    Libertarians want to kill mommy and daddy so that they can stay up later and buy more ice cream. - Mike Huben, Critiques Of Libertarianism: A Non-Libertarian FAQ
