Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 4, 2008

40 years ago today

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968

His last speech:

His speech about Vietnam delivered April 4, 1967, at a meeting at Riverside Church in New York City:

A Time to Break Silence


Early morning, April 4
Shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride


Anonymous said...

This was a terrible loss to all Americans. Had he lived, Obama might have had Dr. King as a mentor, rather than Wright. But, all in all, I do believe that King did influence Obama. Wright was offering a rung on a ladder that no white man was offering. Barry stepped up on that rung and climbed very high. That said, Obama needs to preach King's message to the blacks and stop Wright in his tracks. No advancement comes to anyone wallowing in the past. Obama wants to move on, but I'm not sure of his courage. Can he pull it off? Can he get to the top of that ladder on his own? Wright's rantings has shocked many whites who had sincerly reached out to make amends for the atrocities of past generations. Were we wrong in thinking that blacks were forgiving? Do they hate us that much, still? Do they lump all whites together? Do they believe that we lump all Blacks together? I don't, never have. Is this the kind of discussion we need for electing a canidate, or is this the discussion needed for discovering our true beliefs? Maybe money should keep rolling(AKA Hlliary/McKane) while we fight our own internal demons. That fight won, we can begin again.

Bram Reichbaum said...

Nice post.
Here's another good one:

Anonymous said...

What a way to start my day! I listened to that video. My keyboard is wet with guilty tears. No anger there, just absolute truth. I ask: Is Obama to be used to further the "smooth patriotism" of this government or will he bring real change? To make the change, Americans must sacrifice our singular goals and be ready to physically stand up together. How? Withold our taxes, go to jail. Lock out government workers. I don't know! I'm afraid of chaos. I'm very comfortable physically, and guilt doesn't give me courage.

Anonymous said...

Listening again to the video of Dr. King, I had to ask why Dr. King inspires and Wright makes me angry and defensive? They are saying the same thing. But Dr. King puts the burden of truth on each individual’s responsibility in supporting a system of killing for money. Everyman for himself. Keep a government that allows me some comfort and the hell with the rest of the people. Dr. King’s message includes himself. We the people, not “you white people” Listening to Wright’s sound bites, I felt the kernel of truth about our false patriotism. I guess my reaction does have to do with “the tone” of the message.

It’s time to recognize my anger is a mask for fear.

Don't anybody call me a bleading heart, I'm bleading from my soul. sincerity.