Democracy Has Prevailed.

October 2, 2008


Of course most of you will be doubling your enjoyment of tonight's VP debate by going to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Early Returns blog for the Big Burgosphere Live Blog, but just in case you want to commune with in-the-flesh types there is a debate party you can attend:

VP Debate Watch Party! Oct. 2 Hosted by Western PA Women for Obama
Schenley Ice Rink Meeting Room (1 Overlook Drive in Pittsburgh)
When: Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008, at 8 p.m.

For more details, and to RSVP on, click here:

At the party, you can also sign up with the Obama campaign to help get out the vote! With just 33 days to go, there's no better time to come together and get involved in helping Obama and Biden win in November.

UPDATE: CNN is doing a live feed the entire evening from the VP Debate Watch Party. Help pack the venue. If you can't make it - tell your friends!

For your viewing pleasure here's Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits:



John K. said...

John K: Palin works for me. And the more the lefty elitists and some elitist Republicans trash her, the better she becomes with regular people.

John K. said...

John K: I was just curious, how much experience did Truman have when he became VP?

Unknown said...

She's Busheriffic! Even more incurious and with even less shame. Bring on the popcorn.

etwilson said...

John, you can look up Truman's experience on the internets. For the record, he spent 15 years in the Army rising to the rank of Colonel during WWI, was an elected county judge and then spent 10 years as a US Senator from Missouri. I think that he was plenty qualified.

Anonymous said...

Truman made his name nationally chairing a Senate subcommittee that ferreted out waste and corruption in government contracts before and during WWII.

Surely, you aren't trying to say that Gov. Palin is as accomplished as HST, are you, johnk?

Infinonymous said...

The right-wingers don't know what they are saying any more. They apparently don't care. They are just babbling.

Whether that babbling is a sign of solidarity with Gov. Palin, or instead a reflection of their horror, is hard to tell.

And, for the most part, irrelevant.

John K. said...

John K: Truman was a Major in the artillery in World War One. Which should not matter a bit to you. You think McCain experience as a Navy fighter pilot is something to be ridiculed. So what was Truman's experience to be VP? The facts are that Truman never even met FDR during the election cycle. And Truman was so not trusted by FDR or his advisors that he was not appraised of the progress of the war effort or even the existence of the atom bomb or enigma. So what was Truman's experience to be VP again? Run that one thru me. Be sure to mention that he made the decision to drop that atom bomb something which rankles the hair on liberal heads. LOL LOL LMAO Do your research Homer. LOL

John K. said...

John K: So what is Biden's qualifications to be VP. He ganered 1% of the vote in Iowa and was on the wrong side of every major foreign policy decision since 1980. He voted against SDI and Desert Shield/Storm etc. So since Hussein Obama selected him to be VP he now has credentials? LMAO Stand Up for Chuck out there. Everyone Stand Up LOL LOL

John K. said...

John K: It doesn't matter, since Olbermouth has bullied the news dept at NBC, they have declared Hussien Obama winner with no votes counted or cast. LOL LOL LOL Stand Up for Chuck! LMAO

EdHeath said...

According to the White House biography Truman was a captain of artillery in World War I. He could well have been promoted to major during the war, although I saw no mention of it I believe it. According to the Truman library he reached the rank of colonel in the reserves after the war. For what it is worth.

Maria said...

CNN is doing a live feed the entire evening from the VP Debate Watch Party. Help pack the venue. If you can't make it - tell your friends!

John K. said...

John K: Ed Heath held up the financial bailout for his bicycle? We are facing financial meltdown and severe depression according to the Democratic leadership if this bail out bill is not passed. So inserted into the bill is a tax credit of up to $300 for employers who make provisions for their employees to buy bikes and ride them to work. LOL LOL LOL We are facing financial meltdown and some left wing kooks holds up the credit of the country for that? LOL LOL Left wingers, you been had. LMAO

John K. said...

John K: If any left wing loon in here had any concept of history and read something other than Saul Alinsky you would know that Truman finished the war as  Major in the Artillery.  In fact, he was credited with breaking up a German attack during the Meuse-Argonne offense by having his battery fire directly into the advancing Germans.  As for you Ed Heath, do your own research. LMAO LMAO LOL LOL LMAO

Anonymous said...


What responsible person said that "McCain experience as a Navy fighter pilot is something to be ridiculed[?]"

As for Truman: When he accepted the nomination, FDR's health was clearly failing. He took the nomination with clear knowledge that there was a significant chance that he'd need to step in to the presidentcy. But, he was nationally known for the excellent work that he had done in the Senate.

To make him out as if his qualifications were the equivilent of Gov. Palin's is ridiculous.

John K. said...

John K: I got a question for you lefties, especially Kimber. This is funny. All these liberals are on the cable shows telling people like me that if the Govt does not infuse cash into the lenders and borrowers and let it TRICKLE DOWN it will cause the economy to crash. Lefties using trickle down? LOL LOL LOL Why isn't acorn and Pelosi going to the homeless person under the bridge to ask them for a bailout? LMAO Kimber, anyone, trickle down? LOL

John K. said...

john K: Who said McCain's experience as a Navy fighter pilot was something to be ridiculed. Well Gen Wesley Clark for starters. Then Olbermouth on MSNBC carried and echoed it. Said that his command of the largest Naval fighter squadron was not management experience. And that his time as a POW was not a qualification for President. Of course the rest of the lefties echoed that sentiment. Even ridiculed me for defending McCain and his military service. Ask Ed Heath to do some research and check the record. LOL LOL LOL I speak the facts Kimber. LMAO You lose.

John K. said...

John K: So Kimber, were you born yesterday or do you remember Gen Betrayus? Do you also remember Biden and Schumer and Reid and Pelosi saying the surge would not work and that we had lost in Iraq and that Gen. Petraeus was lying? Hussein Obama said it also. Biden said there was a civil war going on and we should partition Iraq into three separate units. Biden says he did not say this. This all before Gen. Petraeus gave one word of testimony. You may not, because the lefties in here deny they even said it. Ask Ed Heath to check the archives for you. He denies it was said also. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Oh, so now people like Frum, Krauthammer, Will and Kathleen Parker are Republican elitists...I see.

And the Rescue plan is hardly "trickle down" economics, John.

Thanks go out to those lunatic House Republicans for costing Americans $1 trillion of wealth on Monday. Way to go.

And let's not compare a moron like Sarah Palin to Harry Truman.

As David Frum recently wrote, it's not even fair to compare her to Dan Qauyle(it's offensive to Quayle, Frum argues).

Do regular people like her?

In short, HELL NO. Most Americans now see her as significantly unqualified to serve as VP. Her initial support has completely collapsed and she's not going to get it back.

Wasn't she supposed to help McCain with women? Yes, but she hasn't. Obama has opened up nearly a 20 point lead with women.

Wasn't she supposed to sure up the base? Yes, but it doesn't seem that has happened either, now that Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, West Virgnia, Nevada, Indiana and Colorado are in play. In fact, there's enough evidence to suggest that Palin is now dragging McCain down not only in these states but in states like OH, PA and MI.

Will a strong debate performance by Palin turn McCain's campaign around? No, not at all. The best Palin can hope for is to redeem herself; but the damage to McCain's campaign is already done.

While Palin is part of the problem for McCain, the real problem is McCain himself - he's angry, he pulls too many political stunts(only to have them blow up in his face), he has no ideas to offer other than relentless dishonest attacks on Obama/Biden, his campaign managers are stooges.

With four and a half weeks to go, McCain's support is collapsing. He'll spend the next couple of weeks playing defense in some Red States, pull out of Blue States(he's already pulling out of Michigan) and probably attempt a few more gimmicks, as well as ratcheting up the rhetoric, which will only reinforce the growing perception of McCain as an angry, unstable man ill-suited for the Presidency.

He's really in a no-win situation. The more aggressive he is, the more angry he appears and the less actual substance he offers.

Palin has been a complete bust, as polls indicate Republican enthusiasm is still way down in comparison to Democratic enthusiasm.

McCain really needed to win this race at his convention. He needed to sustain that lead.

But McCain has proven that he is not a leader, that his judgement is seriously handicapped by his anger and that he's completely incapable of reading a situation and responding to it.

Americans don't want an angry, unstable man with serious psychological problems(which you have when you can't look your opponent in the eye); Americans want change - and McCain simply can't deliver that.

EdHeath said...

I deny what? That the phrase Betrayus was used in an ad? That Biden recommended a loose Iraqi confederation split into three ethnic partitions? 'course not, those two are a matter of public record. I don't particularly remember who said what about the surge, although I think it is safe to say Obama opposed it, and has denied it is working. I personally don't think it is a panacea (although not a placebo either), I think we will be real lucky if we can extract ourselves from Iraq without it falling into actual civil war. Whenever we do extract ourselves. Just my opinion.

And you are still quite rude, John K.

Anonymous said...

Ed -

Here's what I think the question on the surge is - it's not about whether it worked or not. What comes after the surge?

Because neither McCain or his Republican buddies have a plan for Iraq other than to keep talking about how awesome the surge was(though there is ample evidence to prove that the surge alone had everything to do with quelling the violence in Iraq).

But what next?

What's McCain's answer for bringing the war to a close, because any idiot can pepetuate this conflict indefinitely(see George W. Bush)?

Talking about the Surge isn't an answer; the fact that that's all McCain can talk about when it comes to Iraq is just further evidence that he has no ideas, no policies, no vision that is any different than the last 8 years of Republican leadership.

Anonymous said...


Who's using the term "trickle down" for the bailout?

There's no "trickle" in this, johnk. There's a tsunami building.

Where to begin? If the mortgage lenders fail, there's not just unemployment at FNMA. The ability to buy real estate is severely curtailed. And, in case it's lost on you, if buyers can't buy, sellers can't sell. And the values of our homes drops. That's the major investment for most families.

From there, banks and other sources of credit, saddled with bad loans, have to cut back on car loans, or student loans, or any loans that lenders make. So, the ability of GM, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, and any other carmaker, is damaged.

And if fewer cars are sold, fewer cars need to be made, and layoffs happen. Oh, and, all the places that sell things that go into new homes sell less, so folks get laid off there, too. And the credit crunch hits card holders, too, so they have to cut back their spending, as more of their income goes to finance charges.....

So more defaults happen. And the credit crunch continues, and the economy spirals downward.

The goal of the bailout is not for the benefits to "trickle down." It is to keep everyone, from Wall St. to Main St., from being sucked under.

As far as Wes Clark,...He questioned whether John McCain's war experience qualified him as president, and, given that the experience was 40+ years ago, you have to be pretty thin-skinned to find that "ridicul[ous]."

(Still getting your information from a junkie, aren't you?)

Anonymous said...

Palin to Truman comparison? Comical.

Anonymous said...

Kimber -

Just to add to what you said: I read an article this morning(don't remember where) but the gist of it was that colleges are now starting to feel the credit crunch. There's simply not enough money for them to borrow to meet their needs and unless something's done, we'd could see a lot of colleges and universities contract, layoff faculty, reduce enrollment due to decreases in aid, etc.

What John is evincing is typical Republican "do-nothing"-ism.

They made the mess and now they don't want to clean it up...Just like Iraq, Katrina, Afghanistan and on and on.

Anonymous said...

"Well Gen Wesley Clark"

Clark didn't ridicule his military experience.

Clark said John McCain's military service does not automatically qualify him to be commander in chief.

"Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president"