Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 14, 2009

I WAS Gonna Write About Alan Keyes

Glad I didn't.

Potter did. And his was much better. Potter does our homework for us and watches the WHOLE SPEECH by Ambassador Keyes.

Some highlights:

It starts with Keyes comparing the Obama team to Al-Qaeda:

We have had foreign enemies who have sought to terrorize us with attacks, and we have domestic enemies who seek to terrorize us with economic collapse.

And works its way to a vision in which we are being led

happily into the slaughter pens where we shall go from being proud citiziens of the United States, fearing no one but our God, to being the subjects of a government where we must fear its every shadow.

He calls Keyes "batshit nuts" and waxes sociological on this followers:
The temptation is to say there's something "chilling" about all this, but actually it's sort of sad. The folks at Media Matters have posted footage from other recent "Tea Parties," which pretty clearly shows what's going on here. Despite the rhetoric, the real grievance these folks have isn't that America has "lost its democracy." It's that these folks lost the last election. And they just can't imagine how the hell that happened.
Alan Keyes: Batshit nuts.


FootBlogger said...

Well the Teabagger's Ball is tomorrow and the Anarchist Jim "How can I get more gun owners to shoot up the neighborhood?" Quinn is hosting the event with Alan "I'm nuttier that a ten pound fruit cake" Keyes. Hopefully it'll rain so the nut cases stay in their houses and don't get traffic around market square all messed up. God knows more traffic downtown at lunch hour is all we need. Who cares what the right is fighting, they are the minority.

zoe kentucky said...

A local news channel-- 11 I think-- had some quick coverage of the teabaggers on Saturday. In their coverage they said a lot of people were there to protest the recent increase in taxes on cigarettes. Frankly they are protesting so many different things-- Obama, democrats, taxes, socialism/communism/fascism (same thing to them)-- that an actual message doesn't really get across. They are uniting so many different groups with so many different agendas, it seems more like a we're-angry-we-lost party than a protest.

I do wish I hadn't been sick on Saturday, I would have loved to see the crowd reaction to Alan Keyes. I've seen him speak live a few times and his End Times rage and rancor act could easily make some people wonder why the hell they're there.

FootBlogger said...

I'll be there selling "I'm a teabagger" t shirts to the white trash that will be clinging to their guns, wearing their I'm with Stupid -> t-shirts, showing each other their velvet Elvises that are screwed to the fake dark wood paneling of their family rooms next to the gun safes. (Isn't that a sad visual of how I feel listeners of Right wing talk shows live? LOL) Then when I sell the last I'm a TeaBagger T shirt to the idiots and they get back in their pick up trucks with the gun racks and all the radio stations pre programmed to any one of the 4 Froggy channels and 104.7 where hopfully the can catch the last minutes of the druggie Rush "man boobs" limbaugh or the beginning of Sean "Can I be any more paranoid" Hannity. Then up in Greensburg, the ho that's Quinn's sidekick is going to be giving away rosery beads blessed by the Nazi pope while she preaches how much she hates Obama even thought the catholic church says you're not supposed to hate anyone. Quinn and Ho...what a couple of losers.