Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 7, 2005

Dan Simpson on the Bush Administration

A very important read at the P-G today.

Dan Simpson, retired ambassador and associated editor of the P-G really lets loose on Bush, Bolton and the lot:
President Bush's grotesque ambassador to the United Nations, the recess appointee John Bolton, is busily trying to demolish the program designed by its member countries over a period of years to try to meet the problem of world poverty.
It is horrible to say, but the Bush administration's slow, inadequate, insensitive response to the tragedy in New Orleans makes what Bolton is doing in New York very clear: These people don't care about poor, non-white, sick, helpless people anywhere, not even in the United States. So how could anyone ever imagine that they would care about poor, non-white, sick, helpless people in the rest of the world?
Simpson is right: they just don't care.

Here's more:
The only possible advantage of the flooding disaster is that the rest of the world at least now gets it: The Bush administration is at least consistent. It doesn't care about the poor and suffering of the United States any more than it does about the poor and suffering of the rest of the world.
He keeps up the pressure:
The spectacle of President Bush, smirking as he reminisced about the fun he used to have visiting New Orleans as a young man from Houston, perhaps while he was shirking active Vietnam combat duty as a Texas and Alabama National Guardsman, only pointed up the absence of Louisiana and other Gulf Coast Guardsmen fighting his war in Iraq while the worlds of their states floated face-down, literally dead in the water, at home.
Go read the whole thing.

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