Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 6, 2005


First off, let me thank the other political junkie for her kind words although I think she's being way too hard on herself when she wrote:
I also appreciate the fact that many may come here solely for his reasoned and well-researched stories versus my often foul-mouthed rants.
I just don't see it that way.

If I were to categorize things, I wouldn't call her postings "rants" at all, though I am quite gratified that she thinks my postings are "well-researched." I am nothing without google.

Fact of the matter is, we're two progressives who are very angry - though in slightly different ways and at slightly different things. And I think that manifests itself in how we write and what we write about. She writes with a much more upfront "in-yer-face" attitude than I do. Her anger is palpable - and there's no question where she sits on an issue. Whereas I'm always looking to use the unfortunate words of my targets as a logical rope by which they hang themselves.

My own favorite subjects are our own conservative water-carriers in Congress: Rick Santorum and Melissa (the non-Joan) Hart.

All-in-all I have to say that I have enjoyed this experience immensely. My favorite part? I think it has to be the interviews (here, here, here and here) I've done. Stay tuned for more.

I have to be honest and say that for all my projected self-indulgence, I have a hard time looking reflecting on what I've written - the past is past. There's no time to rest, there's more work to do. Rick Santorum is still a Senator!!

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