Democracy Has Prevailed.

November 4, 2005

More Bad #'s for Chimpy

The Honsberger is a Liar blog (which takes on a local Rush wannabe) has the numbers from the latest Washington Post/ABC Poll and if anything, it shows just how deep and pervasive is the public's displeasure with Bush and his administration:

  • 39% of the people polled approved in the way Bush is handling his job.

  • 61% disapprove of the way he's handling the economy and health care.

  • A full 73% feel that, in comparison to the goals of the war, the level of casualties is unacceptable.

  • A majority of 55% said they believed that the administration "intentionally misled the American public."

  • When asked whether Roe v Wade should be overturned, 64% said no.

  • And here's something I found when I looked at the data myself:
    The US campaign against terrorism
    Approve: 48
    Disapprove: 51

    This is the first time that this poll has shown that a MAJORITY DISAPPROVE of Bush's war on terrorism.

    Or, in other words, the majority now agree that Chimpy can do no right.

    If only it were a year ago...

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    How do we get a progressive agenda done today?

    The answer appears in your wallet. I imagine each of you have studied the union movement. The union movement has brought us the 40 hour work week and the minimum wage. The union movement had focused on the individual employers to get these benefits.

    Today corporations have taken over the Republican party and even write the legislation that hurts ordinary people.

    We need to form our own ad hoc union and instead of going on a work strike we need to go on a purchasing strike. We need to target some of the major contributors of money to the Republican party as they pull the levers of power and they have the most to lose and they can get the pressure every day instead of the officeholders that only run every 2, 4 and 6 years.

    We need to go on strike against Walmart, Wendy's, Outback Steak House, Dominos Pizza, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Eckerd, CVS and Walgreens, GE and Exxon/Mobil.

    We need to call these companies and thell them we have gone on strike against them until they get the RNC to hold a press conference announcing that they will accede to our demands of a TEN dollar an hour minimum wage, an unemployment insurance benefit that will last 1 year instead of 6 months, a real prescription drug benefit under Medicare of 80 percent coverage and no privatization of social security and increasing the social security payroll tax,removing the 88,000 dollar a year FICA taxable income limit, and vote by mail throughout the US with paper ballots and an independent civil service that registers people to vote and counts votes. We need this and more. You make the demands, you go on strike. You have the money and the Republican contributors either do as we want or they go broke under our purchasing strike.

    To learn how to force the Republican congress to pass progressive legislation, send email to with the subject PROGRESSIVE