While we'll take OpenSecrets.org's word on it (via Santorum Exposed) that the group running the ad, Americans for Job Security, is "A pro-Republican, pro-business organization, Virginia-based AJS was established to directly counter labor's influence," the ad is hardly in the "Swift Boat" mode.
I caught most of the ad on Friday and it seemed to focus on tax issues with no mention of Casey that I heard.
I would say that the main message of the ad was to attempt to show that Santorum was an effective representative of the people who concentrated on "Getting it Done." Of course considering Santorum's ever sliding poll numbers and the amount of bad press he's gotten for statements that most consider extremist, the underlying message was also to assure the voters that in addition to "getting it done," Santorum is also not BATSHIT CRAZY.
Since no one seems to have a link to a video of the ad, I've attempted to recreate it as best as I can from memory:
As you can see, it's all about making the PA electorate feel
Again, it almost matters little what the ad says, as it really functions to combat the "movie" that runs in most people's heads (see below) when they think of the man whose name is not just associated with hot man-on-dog-action, but has also become synonymous with the byproduct of a sex act:
tags: santorum santorum campaign ad video of pro santorum ad
UPDATE: The Fix has the actual video of the new Santorum ad (scroll to the bottom of the article). The Santorum Exposed blog suggest that we, "...don't forget to call the phone number at the end of the ad, 717-231-7540, to say thanks to Rick 'for getting it done.'"
Wow, your memory is great! Hahaha
And this is just the beginning. Santorum's campaign and various 527 organizations supporting him will likely bring in AT LEAST $15 million, maybe even close to $20 million.
That's my prediction, at least.
His Pittsburgh ads say to call him at 412-562-0533 to tell him what you think!
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